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Non-diet Chat

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Spring forward, fall back, to remember which way the clocks go.

So glad the loose/lose muddle's been mentioned. I've been metaphorically biting my tongue too. :)

The screwdriver one's new to me - will definitely use that one!
Well don't get me started on lose/loose, chose/choose, it's/its, they're/their/there... well, you get my hurrrumph, drift.
Bad boys ruin our young girls but Violet goes willingly.

Resistor color codes for the electronics industry.
In the bottle there is no RED PORT LEFT

MRS GREN: 7 characteristics of life
Movement; Respiration; Sensitivity; Growth; Reproduction; Excretion; Nutrition

I've always liked the Richard of York thing, as it also means you don't forget that either! (more's the pity, booo Lancashire! :P).

Only heard the righty tighty lefty loosey thing recently and I want to know where it's been all my life!

Order of sharps: Fat Cats Get Drowned At Ealing Baths.
(Think my sister learnt a version starting with Father Christmas.)

Order of flats: Bad Eggs Are Disgusting Generally Causing Fits.
OK Wendyjane, my geology may have been pre yours but this is mine for the geological time periods, it must have worked as I can still remember it!!
Pretty Camels Often Sit Down Carefully, Perhaps Their Joints Creak. Early Oiling May Prevent Premature Rusting. Or, Pre Cambrian, Cambrian, Ordovician Silurian etc etc etc.

Thank you for the planet one Tara, I have never found one I can remember! Apart from poor old Pluto obviously!!
I too love the planet one as I can never remember the correct order

The two men in my house have driven me nuts because they can't remember which side the fuel cap is on on our two cars as they are on different sides

I told them if they are sitting in the drivers seat it is on My side on the Mazda and Her side on the Honda. So simple! 20yo son grudgingly admitted later that surprise surprise that works!

Anything that helps the brain these days .....
About the fuel tank.... ( I saw this on Pinterest)

There is an arrow inside the car on the fuel gauge that points to the side with the tank. Here is a link to an article about it. ... 1174049329

According to the article some older cars have just a fuel tank and a hose. Some of the older cars indicate which side to pump by having the hose or the whole fuel pump on the side with the tank. I guess it isn't really universal; but all of our vehicles have an arrow. :)
43tweaker wrote: About the fuel tank.... ( I saw this on Pinterest)

There is an arrow inside the car on the fuel gauge that points to the side with the tank. Here is a link to an article about it. ... 1174049329

According to the article some older cars have just a fuel tank and a hose. Some of the older cars indicate which side to pump by having the hose or the whole fuel pump on the side with the tank. I guess it isn't really universal; but all of our vehicles have an arrow. :)

Thanks for that 43tweaker I am obviously as observant as the males in my house ha ha. Will have to check it out!
Talking about cars, I have always used mnemonics to remember car number plate. Part of my old car was 'yellow jelly custard', YJC and my current one is 'xtra big umbrellas' XBU.
To add an internotional note, in French we have "mais où est donc ornicar ?" which is to remember the coordinating conjunctions. It works, I still remember it 30 years after learning it :wink:
More 'BECAUSE' - my girls brought these home from school:

Babies Eating Custard Are Usually Sloppy Eaters

Big Elephants Can't Always Use Small Exits
Loving some of these - thanks everyone. Particularly like @ADFnFuel offering - not that it means anything to me whatsoever.... but just like it!! :like: As for the fuel gauge from @43tweaker.... guess a lot of us will be looking for that little arrow the next time we're in our cars :grin:

Keep them coming gang, they're really interesting
wildmissus wrote: Talking about cars, I have always used mnemonics to remember car number plate. Part of my old car was 'yellow jelly custard', YJC and my current one is 'xtra big umbrellas' XBU.

My last car was LBP - low back pain
I've not thought of a mnemonic for my number plate yet so I have no idea what the number is!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after all I've only had the car 5 YEARS!
Merlin wrote: I've not thought of a mnemonic for my number plate yet so I have no idea what the number is!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after all I've only had the car 5 YEARS!

Glad it's just not me then @Merlin! I have my car number plate written down on a bit of paper in my bag as I can never remember it, heaven help me if I was ever stopped by the police! :shock: Those little grey cells just aren't what they used to be! :frown:
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