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Non-diet Chat

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I was just thinking, while reading about the car number plates, I still remember the postal code where I lived in England nearly 20 years ago, it was TN1 1TB :grin:
Just thought of another one for the fractions (BOMDAS) - Bless My Dear Aunt Sally.
Sir, I bear a rhyme excelling in mystic force and magic spelling celestial sprites elucidate all my own striving can't relate - Pi to 20 decimal places...

The problem is that I can never remember whether it is striving or strivings, I just had to check and I was wrong so it is not that good a mnemonic!
So, Creaky Pete, maybe I'm missing the forest for the trees...but why would the ending in s matter. Isn't it typically the first letter of each word? How does this one work? I only remember pi to 3.14159 and that is probably only because it is the first part of a rhyme that my Algebra teacher taught us. It was a sort of cheer/chant that he knew that went a lot more decimal places; I just can't remember the rest.
it's the number of letters in each word so the extra s is important!
I like all these! Mine are all similar to those already posted:

'Big elephants can always understand small elephants' - because

or how about
'Doesn't it always run really horribly over each ankle' - diarrhoea!

'Rhythm helps your two hips move' - rhythm

'Elephants go backwards down fire-escapes' is more interesting than
'Every good boy deserves football' (Treble clef lines)

BODMAS for mathematical order

'Shops often have cakes all hot, try our apples' for Sin, Cos and Tan rules

I'm sure there are more!
Oh, yes - Sons of Hades Come and Hear Tales of Angels for Sin/Cos/Tan rules, of course...
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