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Any other mnemonics to offer ?
07 Nov 2013, 15:07
@CreakyPete TBH I had to look up the definition of the word mnemonic - I could figure out what it meant, but I'd not come across it before !!

A mnemonic, or mnemonic device, is any learning technique that aids information retention. Mnemonics aim to translate information into a form that the human brain can retain better than its original form....

Anyway, I loved your offer of "Loose Women Lose Weight" and was wondering what others use for remembering certain words that try and allude us.

My offerings are:

Stationery (writing materials) = pen
Stationary (not moving) = car

I'm sure there are others, but they'll come to me later I expect.

Anyone else got any mnemonics to offer ? :smile:
Err, I think I got all mine from school

Never eat shredded wheat - North East South West
Big elephants can add up sums easily - how to spell BECAUSE
Richard of York gained battle in vain - Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet (colours of the rainbow)
And one from a course on boat handling about the relationship between north on the compass and true north - CADET (Compass AdD East True)
BECAUSE = Big Elephants Cause Accidents Using Small Elephants

When using a screwdriver, to work out which way to go - lefty loosey, righty tighty.
Wildmissus, I use the lefty loosey, righty tighty one ALL THE TIME! Of course, it takes me a minute to figure out which is left and which is right, but I have always been directionally challenged! :oops:
Debbie, that is a brand new one on me, my daughter brought it home from school recently. I don't have one for left and right but when I sail in the summer I remember that port is left because they are both the small four lettered words and right and starboard at the big words!
I missed CreakyPete's post, but as an editor and technical writer by trade, I have been politely restraining myself, and not correcting the myriad of people who write about loosing weight.
My favorite, from my days of studying geology in college, is

Campbell's Onion Soup Develops Mysterious Pains in Peter

for the periods of the Paleozoic era, Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Mississippian, Pennsylvanian, and Permian.

There's something that none of you needed to know. :smile:

And one that everyone learned, I think, is Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge, for the treble clef in music.
Interesting to see some of the differences. We just learned ROY G BIV as the colors of the rainbow. Wendy Jane already took mine about fudge. But it has the musical scale companions of FACE, All Cows Eat Grass and Good Boys Deserve Fudge Always.

I never learned any for spelling "because;" but we have a few for Mississippi, here. Also, there is no noise in Illinois for spelling and pronouncing it correctly.
Lefty loosy, righty tighty is how I try to remember how to adjust my walking poles but it always seems to go wrong!
My Very Eager Monkey Jumped Swiftly Under Nine Planets

This is a mnemonic to remember the order of the planets, starting at the sun -
Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

Of course, this was learned back in the day when Pluto was still a planet!

Similar to suchard, I use 'stationery has an E for Envelope' to remember the difference between it and stationary.
There was BOMDAS - how to solve fraction- Brackets (of) Multiplication,Division,Addition,Subtraction. It seems to have turned into BODMAS since I was at school which was admittedly a long time ago
Not Mnemonics- but I reckon predictive text has a lot to answer for when it comes to mistakes in posts. I sometimes forget to proof read and it is sometimes obvious that I am not the only one.
@wildmissus, I take it one step further, port, left and red are all smaller words than starboard! right and green. This has helped me many a time,

Ballerina x :heart:
Can someone translate FODMAP, i know it means something. Ta
When I was young Every Good Boy Deserved Fruit rather than fudge!

The only one I remember at the moment is SOH CAH TOA, which reminds you that Sine = Opposite over Hypotenuse, Cosine = Adjacent over Hypotenuse, and Tangent = Opposite over Adjacent.
Heron, Ontario, Eerie, Michigan and Superior

Just in time

and probably others that will pop into my head at 2am and be gone by 7am!
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