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16 Dec 2014, 23:37
What a shame Coffee, that you couldn't join your son to go to the cinema. Fortunately you have got your car back - so important to feel connected to the world whereve you live.

Well done for managing even a half fast this time of the year especially since you are maintaining. Every little helps. It also helps not to fall off the wagon and keep going even if we eat a couple of hundre calories over. every day we stay below TDEE is good news.

My eating day went well but until I had too many biscuits tonight. I will do another fast tomorrow just because I have been eating more sweets this last week and I really don't want to put on any weight over Christmas.

Steph, also well done for fasting even if not as low as you wanted as long as you keep fasting on your mind and stay mentally willing. :lol: Btw are you now fully recovered?

I am busy at work these days and will be working until and including Christmas eve. Only booked 1 1/2 days off over the holiday season. on Friday I am taking half a day to visit the in-laws and then return on Saturday as DH is working next Sunday. the other day I have booked off is Monday 29th
Big Hug for both of you. Take it easy and take care of yourself.
17 Dec 2014, 04:41
Hi guys, bedtime for me and I've not done well today. I started off intending to fast but just couldn't do it and completely went over board again. Ate lunch but didn't eat a proper supper, had chips/crisps instead! Crikey. Will try again tomorrow. I have a dentist appointment first thing and the freezing will hopefully keep me from wanting to eat.
Sorry you had to forego the trip to the movies coffee :(. I hope your hubby appreciates your devotion. How are your walks with Maisy? has she gone past the front gate lately? and congrats to you Ieramul for another successful fast!
Time for bed, ttfn!
17 Dec 2014, 15:17
Hi Buddies, it wasn't a fast day yesterday so I was eating normally but not sensibly, bread for breakfast and lunch, chips (fries) for dinner and chocolate biscuits plus other stuff. Lots of stodge - but I lost about 1/2 lb. Weird.

I hope you both manage to fast OK today, and hope your dentist appointment went well Steph, I still haven't done anything about finding a dentist, I keep putting it off as I'm a complete coward. I'll have to put it on my ever extending new year resolution list. I'm really looking forward to 2015, I hope to get myself organised! I'm GOING TO get myself organised. I keep writing lists of things to do but never actually do anything, so it's going to be a new start for a new positive organised me!

I didn't mind about not seeing the film as I was able to finish reading a book, I might take my grandson to see it in the Christmas holidays, that's if I can prize him away from his computer games. My son said that he would come with us too although he has already seen it.
Maisie hasn't had many walks lately it's been so wet but we've had a couple of short walks. I did manage to take her half way around a field before she decided it was time to come home and walked her up to the village – just once. It suits me, I don't always feel like walking through the mud myself.

:smile: :heart: :smile:
17 Dec 2014, 23:11
Hi buds, coffee, please tell me your top secret on how you managed to lose weight on stodge and biscuits. You could write a book and become very wealthy and buy yourself a new car, teeth and everything... :razz:

The film must have been good if your son would watch it again.

I have wrapped almost all my presents including my own. It is very important, girls to buy yourself a present girls. :wink: It is the only way you can guarantee you get what you want. :grin: After all we put so much effort into buying all these presents that we must not forget the miost important person.

Didn't eat until six o'clock tonight bu then probably used 800-900 cals. I'll take That. Will repeat the same on Friday. Tomorrow is my work Christmas party (lunch time). I hope I can be moderate tomorrow. bIG HUG
18 Dec 2014, 09:19
Just popped in to wish you both a pleasant day :grin:
I've put the 1/2 lb back on again this morning as I knew I would but I'm still within my maintenance allowance so all is well.
:smile: :smile: :smile:
18 Dec 2014, 11:34
Hi, also just popping in to say hello, coffee, you are doing very well, half a pound is nothing - not even a cup of coffee.
We are all hanging in there to prevent too much Christmas damage.
Wishing you both a lovely day, too and catch up with you later. :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
BIG HUG :heart: Image
19 Dec 2014, 00:36
Wish I could say I'm just hanging in, but more like the pounds are hanging on. I'm eating everything in sight again, once I start eating I don't stop until I feel horrible. Anyway, tomorrow's another day and I will try fasting again. Yesterday was a bust but I did stay under my TDEE. Tomorrow I will keep busy and hopefully won't want to eat all night long.
I've just wrapped the presents I bought for my son. They seem sorely lacking this year. I want to get him a fun gift but am at a loss. I've bought him a couple of t-shirts, fabric paint and brushes to paint with, which he likes to do. And another shirt with a wolf on it, his favorite animal; a pair of snow goggles which he will wear everyday to school (he doesn't ski or snowboard lol) and a balaclava/hat/scarf thingy. I don't know what else I can put under the "tree". (Four boxes seems so few, and with only clothing, but then in years past I've had both boys home and when they were little, and my daughter was with us our family was always "adopted" by businesses or churches or organizations, a way for those more fortunate to give to those less fortunate. Some years people went overboard. I would tell people I didn't need extra gifts but since I was a single mom, they thought I could do with something extra. The problem was there were so many organizations that helped out during the holidays that we had, not one source of help, but one year 4! That was a year I could never duplicate, there must have been thirty gifts under the tree! It was crazy.) I have one little gift card and a dvd (a tradition and I can find them for only $5. Christmas day we watch movies) for Christmas morning. The rest we open on Christmas Eve. I haven't put anything under the tree for me. I am thinking of making a big purchase of a new winter coat. There are down coats on sale at a store in town for half price. I will go look tomorrow. I just have a couple of really cheap coats which I have to wear with layers of sweaters underneath because they aren't very warm. Anyway, I guess I am ready for Christmas. I usually wait until Christmas Eve to buy the treats for the stockings because otherwise I eat them all and have to go out and buy more! Tomorrow I will go to the grocery store and see if the butcher can cut me some rouladen which I will make for our Christmas Eve dinner. I'm looking forward to it. I'll search for some jarred red cabbage too, I'm too lazy to make it and besides it seems an awful lot of work when it is just me who eats it. Goodness! I am just rambling! sorry. What are your traditions? Do you celebrate Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
Well, that is it for tonight. Time for another cuppa. Good night my friends.
19 Dec 2014, 00:42
Just read this on a calorie counting website. So true! and I am guilty! will I change my ways come January? I hope so!
"The holiday season is one of those times when it become tempting to throw your healthy habits out the window and succumb to what I call The Slide. The Slide is the time between Thanksgiving and the new year when you figure, hey, I totally blew my healthy lifestyle at Thanksgiving and pretty soon I'm going to blow it again on Christmas so I might as well just slide on through and change my ways come January 1. "
19 Dec 2014, 12:35
You don't have to wait until January Steph, if you know that you won't be able to resist overeating in the evening, why not try to skip breakfast or lunch? Or at least have something low calorie.
I think planning ahead might be the answer, have you heard of Lavender & Lovage? plenty of low calorie 5:2 meals to try. ... -days.html
and there are more 5:2 recipes here
You could add more filling foods like potatoes to your son's plate while sharing the same basic meal and still stay within your TDEE.

I've been wrapping Christmas presents too, I always find that when I buy pressies it seems like loads but when it comes to wrapping them it looks a pitiful amount. I'm sure your son and my grandchildren will be pleased with whatever they receive. :smile:

I hope everything is well with you Ieramul, I love the little hugging smiley, where did you find him/her? It certainly brought a smile to my face.

I have managed to avoid breakfast today so I've decided to make it a fast day, my tummy has been rumbling and I'm trying to ignore it, but I might have a light lunch.

That's all I can think of for now buddies, tummy still rumbling.
Take care. :grin: :grin: :grin:

Steph, why not Google 'fun gifts for teenage boys', I'm sure it will give you plenty of ideas. :heart:
19 Dec 2014, 13:00
Hi lovelies, Great to hear you are both well and coffee, your advise to steph is great.

I had the most outrageous Christmas party ever yesterday. My young, trendy colleages at work thought it would be a good idea to be different and booked our party at an American Diner. They were quite offended with me when I teased them about our MacDonald Christmas Party and asked for me to be more positive about their idea.

Lo and behold it was the worst restaurant experience I have ever had. First of all yhere was a biig children's party right next to us, so we couldn't hear ourselves. The food took two hours to come out and when it did, my chicken was so salty on the outside and so dry on the inside it was inedible. So I ended up with a portion of chips. Because the serving was so slow, we didn't have time for desert. So I was starving when we drove back to work, went next door to the supermarket and bought a ton of chocolates and sweets, which I stuffed myself with all afternoon. I felt so uncomfortable in the evening and this morning, that I haven't eaten since.
We are about to leave to my inlaws for a family Christmas get together tomorrow, so not sure when I am going to surface. Have a great time and keep reminding yourselves that whatever you don't put on you don't have to lose.
BIG HUG :heart:
I will send you the link to these emoticons next time, must rush.
19 Dec 2014, 14:15
Sorry to hear about your Christmas dinner débâcle yesterday Ieramul. When you said that it was outrageous I thought at first that you all had a jolly time, I didn't realise you meant that it turned into a disaster. That must have been horrible! :frown:
I hope you have a better day today :heart: Big hugs.
19 Dec 2014, 15:58
That smiley hug is great Ieramul, I agree. I don't usually use emoticons but maybe I should start, they are so darn cute. Enjoy your dinner festivities with your family. I'm sure it promises to be a better get-together than that diner experience! Thanks for the links to the recipes coffee, I just had a quick perusal and they look yummy.
Today I have made a tofu stirfry that comes out to be lower than 200 calories. That will be my meal when I come home from work. I don't generally eat breakfast, I am rarely hungry in the morning, probably do to my crazy feeding frenzy the night before. My two breakfasts a month at the church are all I do and I've been fasting on Fridays in preparation so I'll be hungry enough to enjoy them on Saturdays. My usual pattern is to not eat until 1 or 2 in the afternoon, 3 on work days, then continue eating until I am sick. It is ridiculous. I don't have a proper supper. On fast days I can usually wait until dinner for a second meal. I have to train myself to wait and listen to my stomach when it screams it is full dammit! So, today is a fast day! I WILL make it through! On an aside, I am happy to have found some almond milk I can drink on fast days, a cup is only 35 calories. That is my treat and I sip it slowly.
Enjoy the day ladies! it is gorgeously sunny here, after weeks of gray skies.
20 Dec 2014, 03:54
I made it! yippee, finally a successful fast day. It wasn't so difficult and it was nice to only eat when hungry. We shall see what tomorrow brings. I hope your days went well and you are having peaceful dreams!
Big hugs to you both.
20 Dec 2014, 09:23
Hi buddies,
Well done Steph, it's such a good feeling when your fast goes well after a bad eating day, my fast was successful too and I'm under my goal weight this morning. It will bounce back a bit when I start eating normally but it seems to be under control now.

I did my supermarket shopping yesterday so I'll miss the weekend before Christmas rush. I need to collect hubby's prescriptions from the chemist, buy his newspaper and then the day is mine. I always have a list of jobs that need doing but lately I just spend my time thinking about them and don't achieve anything, I wonder if today will be any different? The mess is piling up in every room so I must make an effort.

I hope the day goes well for both of you. :smile:
21 Dec 2014, 10:18
Hi Buds, sadly my post of last night is not here So I am trying to remember what I said.

Coffee well done for staying within your target weight. If we can keep it up, we will be so happy come January.

I am in the same position with the presents as you two. Years ago when all the children were at home we had lots of presents under the tree but this year it is just my DH, son and me. Daughters are with in-laws etc

On top of that we do Secret Santa with children and their partners which cuts down the amount of presents so I have just a few little things for a few friends.
The celebrations with in- laws went very well but again we decided on no presents (apart from treats).
so this year has been very easy (if not strange) for me.
The scales are within my maintenance range this morning :lol: but I will still do a fast tomorrow and some 18:6 for the rest of the week.
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