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05 Dec 2014, 10:10
Good morning girls, Steph, I hope you had a good night. You are going to see the doctor today, so hopefully he will be able to prescribe you something to get better soon.

Coffee, the weather seems to be OK, at least the drizzzley rain has stopped and going for a walk with Maisie will be a pleasure.

Being quite encouraged by this weeks' two fasts, which were not too difficult, I have decided to fast today however not a 36hr liquid fast like on Wednesday but another half fast like on Monday, where I ate around 600Kcal - 750Kcal or about half my TDEE. So I won't eat until I get home tonight and then have a reasonably filling meal. When at work not eating seems to be OK - in fact, it is easier as I don't have to pack any food in the morning and can just dash out ( I always dash :lol: ).

Let me know how you are doing. Steph, I don't expect you to fast today feeling so poorly and Coffee are you happy with your weight at the moment and are you doing some intermittent fasting, like 16:8 or 18:6?

Oh, here is something that will make you :lol: . I was given a chocolate Advent calendar in the office and since yesterday was my eating day, I had about four pieces in one go: Wednesday's (last fast day) Thursday's, Today's (fast day) and tomorrow's (not in the office).

Will have to do a similar thing on Tuesday hoovering up Sunday's Monday's Tuesday's and possibly Wednesday's

BIG HUG :heart:
05 Dec 2014, 12:22
That's the way to go Ieramul! Saving the goodies up to eat in one sitting, you probably enjoyed the chocolate more that way as there was no guilt.

Hubby's befriending visitor came to see him this morning, it gave me a chance to strip his bed as he wasn't in it, it took ages just sorting out the old newspapers, cricket magazines, pens, pencils, spoons, bits of stale food, more spoons, bits of screwed up tissue etc. that was piled up on top of the duvet. There was more under the duvet, mostly odd socks and enough crumbs to feed a whole flock of birds - in a couple of days time it will be just the same, how does he do it? At least it's all clean and tidy now. I'm not saying anything about my room, I'm ignoring the clutter for now. :razz:
We woke up to heavy rain this morning, it was still a bit damp when I took Maisie out and she wouldn't walk as far as the front gate. We have sunshine now and hubby has decided to take her a little way but she still might not walk. I'm off to Perranporth this afternoon, my son has to collect his tools and garden machinery which is still outside the flat, so it will be good to see him again and then we will have a cup of tea with his friend's mum who lives nearby. I'm gradually getting a social life, it feels good.

I hope your half fast goes well today Ieramul, and Steph, I hope the doctor can give you something to help clear up your nasty cold, take care. :heart:
05 Dec 2014, 15:39
Good morning! I did something similar with chocolate Ieramul but went completely overboard. I ate a box of chocolate "hedgehogs" last night about 550 calories worth!!! add that to some doritos and sour cream and onion chips and I was a glutton. I have a salad prepared in the fridge for this afternoon when I get home from work and will be having pasta for supper. A much better, though high calorie choice. I haven't been eating real meals for days now and have to get back into it.
What a mess you had to clean up coffee! I take it your hubby lives in his bed most days. I'm glad he has a visitor today. A good distraction from his constant pain I'm sure.
I just attempted a walk and turned around at the end of the street. The cold was making my ears hurt :(. I still have this sinus thing although I can breathe through my nose now. We'll see how I'm doing this afternoon when I see the doctor.
Time to get ready for work,
catcha later
06 Dec 2014, 07:20
Hi buddies. Well coffee that was very productive, sorting your DH's room and bed. But you now seem to have acquired a social life for yourself and not just being a carer. I am sure it makes you a better carer and wife. How great to meet up with your son and treating yourself at a cafe.

Steph - I hope the doctor could sort you out yesterday. The cold and damp weather is not giod for your sinuses, so you are doing well to keep out of it unless absolutely unavoidable.

Yesterday my fast wasn't as easy as the last few and I had some yoghurt adn ham 3 pm. That was intermittent fasti 20:4. When I got home I had supper and then ended up eating far too much including some Lebkuchen. I am a bit disappointed because fasting had been easier recently. No two days are the same.
Early this morning I have an appointment at the hairdresser and then I think it is (Christmas) shopping in nearby town. When we get back I will get the Christmas boxes down from the attic and start decorating the house. Lots to do. Hope you have a great day. BIG HUG :heart:
06 Dec 2014, 07:21
Hi buddies. Well coffee, that was very productive, sorting your DH's room and bed. But you now seem to have acquired a social life for yourself and not just being a carer. I am sure it makes you a better carer and wife. How great to meet up with your son and treating yourself at a cafe.

Steph - I hope the doctor could sort you out yesterday. The cold and damp weather is not giod for your sinuses, so you are doing well to keep out of it unless absolutely unavoidable.

Yesterday my fast wasn't as easy as the last few and I had some yoghurt adn ham 3 pm. That was intermittent fasti 20:4. When I got home I had supper and then ended up eating far too much including some Lebkuchen. I am a bit disappointed because fasting had been easier recently. No two days are the same.
Early this morning I have an appointment at the hairdresser and then I think it is (Christmas) shopping in nearby town. When we get back I will get the Christmas boxes down from the attic and start decorating the house. Lots to do. Hope you have a great day. BIG HUG :heart:
06 Dec 2014, 07:23
Hi buddies. Well coffee, that was very productive, sorting your DH's room and bed. But you now seem to have acquired a social life for yourself and not just being a carer. I am sure it makes you a better carer and wife. How great to meet up with your son and treating yourself at a cafe.

Steph - I hope the doctor could sort you out yesterday. The cold and damp weather is not giod for your sinuses, so you are doing well to keep out of it unless absolutely unavoidable.

Yesterday my fast wasn't as easy as the last few and I had some yoghurt and ham 3 pm. That was intermittent fasti 20:4. When I got home I had supper and then ended up eating far too much including some Lebkuchen. I am a bit disappointed because fasting had been easier recently. No two days are the same.
Early this morning I have an appointment at the hairdresser and then I think it is (Christmas) shopping in nearby town. When we get back I will get the Christmas boxes down from the attic and start decorating the house. Lots to do. Hope you have a great day. BIG HUG :heart:
06 Dec 2014, 15:05
Hi buddies, I hope you are both enjoying the weekend, it's a lovely day here in Cornwall but Maisie still wouldn't take a step past the front gate this morning, silly girl.

@Steph, so glad that you are breathing better and I hope that your doctor will be able to help you get rid of cold completely or at least treat the symptoms.
@Ieramul, I hope that after the disappointment of eating too much yesterday evening not too much damage was done, you still have today to put it right before you record your weight so all is not lost.

Nothing goes smoothly, I've had a stressful morning and yesterday was worse. Hubby was being very nasty about me going out, both before I left and when I got home - and again at 3.00 am! I had a lovely afternoon despite his behavior, I met up with my son, his friend and his friend's mum, she is a lovely lady and we always get on well, her husband died about six months ago a couple of weeks after they moved house so things have been difficult for her. We all went to a local pub but as I was driving I just drank coffee, then we went back to her house, I think it did both her and me good, it's so lovely talking to people where there is no bad temper or disapproval. I had to come back home though :cry: I got back OK but the car is still playing up, the mechanic didn't have time to put it right as he was too busy when he did the MOT, so I'll have to get it booked in again, I hope it's not going to cost too much to fix it. Another annoying thing, hubby's duvet is now covered in gravy but I won't be changing it for a while yet.
Because I was worried about the car I didn't drive into town to do the weekly shop today so decided to do online shopping, it took longer than walking around the store and when I got to the checkout I couldn't complete the order as I forgot my security password. I tried about half a dozen times and felt like tearing my hair out, it was driving me crazy as I had to re-type my bank details every time. In the end I phoned their helpline and a very helpful young man sorted it for me.
The sun has disappeared and it's getting quite dark and much colder.
I think that's the end of the moaning, I'm going wrap myself up in a fleecy blanket and find something to watch on TV, with or preferably without chocolate, I expect Maisie will jump up onto the sofa to snuggle up to me as well.

Take care both of you, big hugs all round :smile: :heart: :smile:
07 Dec 2014, 21:54
hi buddies,
Coffee I hope you could enjoy today. It s a shame that you feel so unappreciated at home which makes it even more important to have friends nearby you can visit and have a cup of coffee with and a good chat. Some understanding goes a long way. You mentioned that your DH had a visitor who befriends him. That is excellent for him. I am sure he is very frustrated too but it is just not helpful if you make the life of very person who cares for you dificult. Luckily, you seem to be able to look after yourself and not be intimidated.

Steph, how are you doing? Did the doctor give you some good medication?

I had a very productive weekend, managing a throrough spring clean of the whole house as well as getting the Christmas tree up and decorated. I also managed to make another batch of biscuits - this time Vanillakipferl to add to the parcel for my daughter's birthday. i am also knitting small fun presents like father Christmas eggwarmer hats and Father Christmas book markers and other little fun pieces.

Unfortunately food wise I was totally off the mark, eating far too much sweet stuff. I really need to do a good fast tomorrow and not bake anymore biscuits etc.
Wishing you a good start of the week
BIG HUG :heart:
08 Dec 2014, 16:33
Hello buddies
After a rather indulgent weekend I was expecting the worst, but I am still within my maintenance range. So quite pleased. However last Wednesday I was 2 1/2lb lighter. I am fasting today, but probably at 600-700kcals.

I hope you had a good weekend both of you. Steph, are you getting better?
Speak soon BIG HUG :heart:
08 Dec 2014, 18:05
Hello gals, yes I'm better, thanks. I still have some residual problems with my ears, slight pain from the cold outside so I make sure to wear a hat and they pop every once in a while. They feel like I am on a plane. Very strange. By the time I saw the doctor on Friday I was well. He checked my ears and there is no infection and that was my concern so now I just have to wait till the strangeness goes away.
I have been eating very poorly this past week and have gained a few pounds. My own fault of course. I ate half a bag of cookies on Saturday, for example! I tried fasting yesterday and did well until 6 pm and then I sabotaged myself. Don't know when I will fast. Today is out as I have already eaten Kinderschocolade. It is very tasty stuff which I bought to put in a parcel for my grandkids. I knew that was trouble as I won't be sending out the parcel until a gift certificate comes in the mail. I bought one today over the phone from a hip clothing store in PEI where my daughter lives. It is being mailed to me so I can include it in the parcel.
Started decorating last night but need an extension cord to hook up the lights I've hung around my windows - indoors -. I am feeling too lazy to go out in the cold.
That's me. I'm glad you both are doing well. Sorry to hear you are having troubles with your hubby, coffee. Did you have a longer walk with Maisy today? How is the weather? It is sunny here today and was yesterday as well. Yesterday was a good day, I actually went for a long walk in the morning. My mood has been vacillating from productive to lazy. It is ridiculous.
I hope your days are going well. Good for you Ieramul! doing another fast. Perhaps this one will be easier again. :)
09 Dec 2014, 21:16
Hello girls, how are you doing?

I had a tiring day at work but did manage to go for my lunch time walk up into town and pick up my new pair of glasses. I need them for driving and for a long time I have only had one pair. I beca,e increasingly worried to lose them so I am releaved to be able to keep a pair in the car.
It is so cold these days that the walking has become brisker and brisker. :smile:

Today was an ordinary eating day but hopefully I kept under TDEE as my fast yesterday was probably around 800 kcals. I am still experimenting and changing my fasts every week. I intend to keep at least two fast days at maybe 600-700 kcal and maybe one at about 1000 and if I keep to intermittent fasting on eating days I will hopefully not exceed my TWEE Total Weekly Energy Expenditure (just made that up :lol: ) Hopefully one day I will be able to not think about to fast or not to fast but will do it very naturalyy and be able to listen to my body (and less to the scales)

Coffee how is your fasting coming on? Do you do intermittent fasting now that you are maintaining?
Steph, whilst you were ill you did well not to fast - how are you doing?

Take care BIG HUG :heart:
09 Dec 2014, 23:01
Hello ladies! Coffee how are you? has your husband been as nasty as the other day? how do you deal with it when he is? go for a walk? call a friend?
Good for you Ieramul for taking that walk even though it was cold. I just walked to the bank and now my ears are funny again. I should have worn a hat but it isn't even cold enough for a hat. Crazy sensitive ears.
I am fasting today, at least so far. I've eaten about 300 calories and even though I am full I want to keep eating. It is so tempting to throw in the towel for the night and binge on chocolate and candy again. Adam has a bag of doritos and some candy which I am trying very hard to resist! I can't really eat them without him noticing, though, so I shouldn't touch touch at all. Still want to go to the store :(. I have gotten into a really bad way with eating again. Stuffing myself to the gills every night. I have gained back all ten pounds I lost this year. I don't seem to have the wherewithal to eat well. I will post on today's fasting forum even though most people are in bed already. Maybe I'll post on Wednesday's thread as well.
Time to put the supper I made for Adam in the fridge. He is out for the evening. I never know when he'll be home on any given day but today I decided to make an actual meal for him and now it is sitting on the counter. Talk again soon! thanks for your support!
10 Dec 2014, 04:07
Good morning to you buddies, I trust you both slept well. It is 11 pm here and I'm on my way to bed feeling pretty good about my food choices today. I didn't quite end with 500 calories more like 600 but I'm happy with that. So much better than throwing in the towel. Shows me I can do it again. The sneaky little extra calories came from 4 little cheese filled crackers. I stopped though! and didn't eat the whole package! a big win for me!
Just had to share, enjoy the day as it comes. Speak again soon.
10 Dec 2014, 10:56
Hi Buddies,
I haven't been here for a while, well I have popped in to read your messages but haven't been able to talk. I've been feeling a bit low and haven't been fasting at all.

I'm glad your fast went well yesterday Steph, strange how some fasts are easier than others. I think fasting and this whole WOE would be better for me if I lived alone, then I would only buy healthy foods but hubby likes biscuits and chocolate so I end up buying enough for both of us. I think that may be the problem with all of us, we have to have the foods that everyone likes in the house and it's so tempting.

Ieramul. I don't understand what you mean when you say "intermittent fasting on eating days". 5:2, 6:1, 4:3 and ADF are all intermittent fasting, I think 16/8 is too, it's when we have a period of fasting and not fasting. Perhaps you meant something else?

I hope you both have a sensible eating day, take care.
10 Dec 2014, 19:44
Hi buddies, great to hear from you. well done Steph for managing a fast yesterday. We really need those success fasts to keep us motivated. coffee you are right, having to cater and cook for someone else makes fasting really so much harder. My heart goes out to you.

I had a Lovely Christmas lunch at work today at a very cosy pub. I enjoyed a traditional Christmas meal and a lovely desert. For supper I had (and I am not proud of this) coffee and a good amount of Lebkuchen. I think I might be fasting tomorrow. :lol:

Coffee were you all right in the storm last night? sorry you are feeling down at the moment and I hope your meeting at Asda today was fun and inspiring. Sorry for causing confusion re Intermittent fasting. You are of course right 5:2 is also intermittent fasting. I suppose with fasting I mean eating well below TDEE and intermittent fasting I regard as a prolonged time of not eating and then eating to TDEE in an eating window. but this is probably only my interpretation.

BIG HUG :heart:
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