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Chilled chilli chocolate is my favourite. I broke a tooth on bacon once.
@Ballerina it sounds like sinusitis to me. Nose sprays, sinus medication and if bad enough antibiotics. Hope your feeling better soon :heart:
But so good for the soul!!!!
All mine is in the fridge otherwise it will dribble everywhere in the heat! Mind you, it means I can suck it so it lasts longer!
Why am I reading a thread with the word'chocolate in the title! :doh:

I have had a very good fasting day, I'm not hungry, yet the large bar of Hotel Chocolat, left over from Christmas, is calling me! :starving:

:shout: HELP! :shout:
... i blame Mr @Ballerina's mother :razz:
Silverdarling wrote: ... i blame Mr @Ballerina's mother :razz:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Gosh! Why didn't I think of that? :shock: I actually had a god nights sleep last night, thought @Debs and I might be forging a deep and meaningful relationship over in the insomnia tent but she was spared that, lucky lass. :victory: hubs dosed me up to the eyeballs with Sudafed and put the electric blanket on scorching and sent me to bed at 9.30, bliss. Feel a lot better today, I may even eat something. My enforced fast of yesterday has certainly given me some wiggle room, and a bit more and I don't see me eat a lot today, but by tomorrow when I have seen the tooth monster and all injections have worn off....there will culinary carnage in this kitchen :starving: :?: :shock: :victory: WATCH OUT WORLD!!!! :lol: Thank you all for your kind thoughts, love you all lots and heaps and bundles etc etc

Ballerina x :heart:
coffeetime wrote: This made me smile, a couple of unintended puns.

I looked at the 'active topics' and I saw 'Chocolate is bad for your teeth' and below that was Caries 2014 journal', then I started reading this and found that carieoates had swallowed half a crown - in old money half a crown was 25 pence (I think).

This has really cheered me up even if I'm the only one who 'gets' the jokes!.

Glad to have provided some laughs dear @coffeetime :oops:
Ballerina wrote: Rather grumpy old ballerina today

Ballerina x :heart:

Somehow I just can't imagine a grumpy old ballerina! I do hope you're tooth is better today and the old sinuses too. :smile:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
by Ballerina » 22 Jan 2014, 09:16

I seem to have found the perfect solution, break a tooth whilst indulging in chilled chilli chocolate. Not only does it stop you ingesting carbs, it stops you ingesting anything and there are two reasons for this, firstly, it is uncomfortable to eat and secondly, you need the money saved on food to pay for the dental work. It could be described as a 'win, win' situation but that was not exactly the word I uttered. .......mmmmm

...............a bit sad when you start copying and pasting your own comments but I thought I should also post this on this thread as it was just as relevant here. The enforced fast has certainly does wonders for the fat gut but I've only lost less than half and inch of my waist, what is wrong with my fat? Does it not understand that I'm desperate to part company with it, that we have been attached to each other just too long, sigh, sniff, another sigh :cry: oh well, when I see the fang man this afternoon he will certainly make me shed a load of £s :shock:

Ballerina x :heart:
Just back from the fang man and as predicted I am now £49 lighter, that was some chocolate.......... But at least I can now eat again. Yippee! :like: :victory: Ooooo, ice cream, yum yum.........AND he thinks I have sinusitis, says there is NOTHING wrong with any of my teeth or gums after giving me a very thorough going over and mouth prodding. I know folk who have wanted to give me a thorough going over and a good mouth prod for years! :shock: :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:

P.S. No longer grumpy but still old, shame! :frown:
Glad your gnashers are sorted Ballerina but I bet you had to grit them to pay the dentist's bill :grin: :grin: Sympathise with the sinusitis, fellow sufferer here and it can be very painful :frown:
Thanks Callyanna but £49 was a huge relief, I thought I would need a crown and even though my dentist is an NHS one it would still have cost me £240, quite shocking really. Anyway, we have all decided, that is the whole pub, that I probably have neuralgia so I've now just downed some neurofen, washed down with a glass of red wine and I hope to have a good nights sleep. See you all tomorrow, or in the insomniac tent later, :shock:

Ballerina x :heart:
A quick home made decongestant . Half a teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm water. Let it dissolve, then pour some into the cupped palm of one hand, lower your nose into it and snort the liquid up into each nostril in turn. You may have to put your finger on the other nostril to block it to make it work. If you can't sniff, use an eye dropper in each nostril with your head tilted way back. Hold the head back position for a couple of minutes.

There is alaso acupressure exercises you can do to relieve the pain of blocked sinus and some to help the nose to drain. Have a look on you tube. I would prefer to have sinusitis than neuralgia. The sinusitis can be treated.
Thank you Julie, for that! I'm not a fan of sniffing things since my septum perforated due to using steroid inhalers but if if I get no relief soon then I'm up for your sniff solution, will keep you all on the edge of your seats with updates of the state of my nostrils, :lol: :shock: :oops: :neutral:

Ballerina x :heart:
Chocolate is only bad for you if you DONT eat it...surely

Bean :wink:
Ah, that's what I did wrong, don't remember inhaling it though. I was just about to,post to you on another thread about your new avatar...?.can we keep this one for a while please @nursebean as I love him, always makes me laugh when I see him.

Ballerina x :heart:
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