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Non-diet Chat

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Debs wrote: But so good for the soul!!!!
All mine is in the fridge otherwise it will dribble everywhere in the heat! Mind you, it means I can suck it so it lasts longer!

@Debs usually i draw a chair up to the fridge but in this instance i' ll lie on your floor under your fridge with mouth open
Mmm its comfy down here ! :razz:
If I ever manage to acquire a dog, at least one of its names will be Muttley :lol: :wink:
If I ever get another dog it will HAVE to be a chocolate labrador....oooh The tooth has settled nicely so lunch at Jaimie Olivers today, hooray!Must put back the 7 pounds I lost this week, I suppose that means that chocolate is NOT fattening, well, in this instance it wasn't

Ballerina x :heart:
Tee hee hee (she wheezes in Muttley style!)

Bean :oops:
Just some (hopefully) helpful info for @Ballerina and @callyanna regarding sinusitis! The best best BEST thing I have ever discovered is sinus rinsing. If you google "neti pot" or "sinus rinse" you'll see lots of info about it. Julieathome mentioned it on the previous page.

I used to get awful sinusitis pretty much every time I got a cold. The cold would transform into painful, blocked sinuses and I'd be in agony.

Now whenever I'm a bit sniffly or if my hayfever is playing up (helps for that too) I make sure to rinse my sinuses out with warm salt water regularly. One teaspoon of salt dissolved in a pint of warm water (boiled is better but I'm of the opinion that if the water is safe to drink then it's alright going up my nose!!).

It's ever such a funny sensation at first, a bit tickly, but my god it works wonders. Rinses out all the stuff that might be blocking the sinuses, reduces swelling within them and the salt helps against infection. Really can't recommend it enough! I will NEVER be without a neti pot again! :grin:
Broke a tooth a year ago on a cherry stone. Used to eat them like it was chocolate.

Have not allowed a cherry to enter my mouth since. Totally scared of them now.
I can well understand that

Ballerina x :heart:
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