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Non-diet Chat

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We were indulging in our usual Sunday evening bar of chocolate last night, I think it was the one with chilli, anyway, I know it is bad for you, sugar and all that, but I didn't realise just how bad it could be for your teeth. As a result, I am now having to see the dentist on Wednesday to repair/crown the tooth that broke in half! :shock: Not happy is putting it mildly. :frown: :curse: I will now be on a sort of enforced fast until then :starving: as eating and drinking is not very comfortable due to the half which I am still in possession of being rather temperature sensitive. This will no doubt also prove to have been a very expensive bit of chocolate. Grrrr :cry: I know worse things happen to folk all the time but this is definitely the worst thing that has happened to me whilst eating chocolate, :cry: :curse: :cry:

Ballerina x :heart:
Oh no :(

I once broke a tooth on a piece of toffee in a tin of quality streets, the resulting repair work cost me about €1000 so as you can imagine I avoid quality streets like the plague now...I hope your experience won't put you off chocolate?!
I swallowed half of my crown once. Eating a sandwich!
I once dove into the local swimming pool and came up with only half a front tooth. Every 10 years or so the cap has to be replaced as it works itself loose over time.
It's a very old, large filling and the chocolate was rather hard as I keep it chilled, mmmmm, but! even so............the other thing is I think I have sinusitis and I can't sleep for the discomfort so all in all a rather grumpy old ballerina today. Not sure what I should be doing about the sinuses, if it is that, but as soon as I lie down my whole face, head, teeth and eyes hurt. I've spent the last couple of nights on the sofa in the kitchen, or as we call it round here, the sick bay! OK, that's enough self pity for one day, now, get out and go for a walk to the pub.....ah, that sounds better. Hope I sleep tonight or someone may die in the night and it will not be me, hubs will be hiding under the duvet to avoid me, good move on his part, hee, hee :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
This made me smile, a couple of unintended puns.

I looked at the 'active topics' and I saw 'Chocolate is bad for your teeth' and below that was Caries 2014 journal', then I started reading this and found that carieoates had swallowed half a crown - in old money half a crown was 25 pence (I think).

This has really cheered me up even if I'm the only one who 'gets' the jokes!

I lost the cap from my front tooth on Christmas day a couple of years ago so I understand how you feel Ballerina, I had to wait a couple of months for a dentist appointment to fix it trying not very successfully to smile with my mouth closed.
Ugh - tooth pain is just awful! I hope you're feeling better soon and that the repair isn't too expensive!
Wisdom is in the mouth of the beholder... xxx
PennyForthem wrote: Wisdom is in the mouth of the beholder... xxx

Not in this case :lol: :grin: :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Oooh sorry to hear that Bal x
Every cloud etc though..the enforced fast could be seen as a bonus maybe..
If its put you off choc,even if only for a while,its good for teeth and body and bank balance!
It IS lovely tho! Mmmmmmm.. Xx
My personal mantra...
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Oh dear, you poor lamb {{{+}}} hugs. Good point about fridge-hardened choc bars, where mine currently resides, perhaps I should release it into the wild?
Oh dear, sorry to hear that my dear!
I had a £45 Cadbury toffee éclair once. I didn't even like toffee eclairs but they were there and the girlies were eating them, so I had one - both myself and the dentist wished I hadn't.
A dentist once told me that, as far as teeth were concerned, if you must eat sweets, eat chocolate ... so far so good... and if you must eat chocolate, eat it all at once! I can see the reasoning dental-wise but perhaps not the best maxim for us fasters :-)
@Moogie oh, I love our ribbons, thank you so much and everyone who voted, they are lovely :victory:

Ballerina x :heart:
Ribbons? What ribbons?

Thank you @Moogie and everyone who voted xx
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