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Non-diet Chat

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cool! and elusive other halves! exciting
Unfortunately we will be in Spain for this one but hope you all have a great time

Ballerina x :heart:
And I may have an appointment with a gooseberry. If not, I'll join you.
PennyForthem wrote: And I may have an appointment with a gooseberry. If not, I'll join you.

That would be good :cool:
carorees wrote: There's a vague possibility that I might be in!!!

We are travelling to Scotland on 9th and I might be able to persuade OH to divert off the M6 to Bolton for a couple of hours if the timing of everything works out. But I won't know until we hear from friends in Glasgow where we are hoping to stay the night on 9th!

I don't think it is a huge diversion from the M6
Despite the holidays now having a lump of work in the middle of it, the Bolton Meetup is a definite for me.
I've had a consultation with Professor Google and it looks as though there is no John Lewis. There is a decent looking cafe in the Market Place - map suggests it's about an 8 minute walk from the train station. It's called Mezzo.
Open to suggestions, timings etc.
Did we go for a definite date?
Not yet @RennyForthem[ as far as I know...
9th or 10th July
@carorees may be able to come one of the days but I can't remember which one...
@carorees mentioned the 9th
I'm fine with that-how about everyone else? The market place seems a good place to aim for-what time are we aiming for?
July 9th would suit me and I could make use of my senior rail card again and get my money's worth out of the investment!
Don't arrange everything around me! Lunch or afternoon tea would suit me better.
9th is fine by me, but could do the 10th as well. I would get in at about 10.30 and leave just after 3, a later lunch (1 onwards) would be my preference; lots of black coffee etc etc before!
Looks like the 9th is the most popular then
and possibly lunch...
9th is best for me. Lunch is fine-just need to sort out a time and I can sort out which train to catch.
Merlin wrote: 9th is best for me. Lunch is fine-just need to sort out a time and I can sort out which train to catch.

Ditto! :grin:
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