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All this talk of meet ups etc , so it's time for me to get organised.
I am being greedy as I am in different places in the UK in July and wanting to be sociable.
So the first one to organise is Huddersfield and/or Bolton. I am in Huddersfield 6,7 and 8 July then through to Bolton on the 9th and 10th.
Now, I am in unchartered territory and am somewhat directionally challenged but also up for adventure and don't mind public transporting if I have fool proof info.
Is anyone free to meet up and does anyone have any suggestions of where?
Just one consideration - I have heard a rumour that a cycling thing is happening in Huddersfield and might clash with some of the days I'm there.
Fingers crossed that we can arrange something.
Scottish meet up to follow when I get my act together and decide where we'll be and when...
Oooh, @janeg how exciting. I could possibly do Bolton on the Mon or Tues. Don't know it, so can't suggest anywhere, but somewhere close to the station is always good.
Excited indeed. I reckon I could do Bolton. Never been there though so no ideas about where.
Just bought a senior rail card with promo code LEAFLET3 and got 10% off the full price so £27 for a year. Not sure about this meet yet, will get back to you!
Just had a quick look at the calendar . 9/10th are Wednesday /Thursday PF -I think you looked at June . I can also do Tuesday-but not at all sure about Huddersfield ! But I am away for the other dates.
I could do Bolton, but not Huddersfield
@janeg were you joking?? :cool: :wink: #justsaying ... neral.html

The little cycling event on the Sunday 6th is the 2nd stage of the TOUR DE FRANCE - and passes right though Huddersfield and surrounding areas! I think Bolton might be a better bet for your meeting - or the Monday or Tuesday in Huddy :shock: :wink:
ah, thanks @Silverdarling- I actually didn't realise it was the big thing- oops.
So Bolton maybe better...
Bumping this up as all has gone quiet.
Thanks @Merin - time it was resurrected!
Other meetups are on hold just now until I find out if I'm working at Farnborough instead of heading home to Scotland :shock:
The Bolton one is still happening if anyone is available.
I was looking at the Bolton town website yesterday to try and find some inspiration for whee to meet but was not inspired.
Still looking at 9th or 10th July.
Huddersfield didn't seem to have any takers.
Who's in and any suggestions?
I'm in- but can't suggest a venue as I have never been there.
Same here - I will come but don't know Bolton at all. Does it have a John Lewis? It seems to have become a tradition to meet in one for coffee.
cool. so we have@Merlin and @Barbarita
and me, none of whome know Bolton at all! Is rhis a recipe for disaster?
Don't know if there's a John Lewis... I will consult with Professor Google
Think of it as an adventure - once you have decided on a venue I will get Professor Google to do a virtual walk there from the railway station. My husband is hoping this takes place as he is using it as an excuse to explore Bolton. Not that you will meet him, anymore than we get to meet the mysterious Mr @Ballerina.
There's a vague possibility that I might be in!!!

We are travelling to Scotland on 9th and I might be able to persuade OH to divert off the M6 to Bolton for a couple of hours if the timing of everything works out. But I won't know until we hear from friends in Glasgow where we are hoping to stay the night on 9th!
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