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Wow isn't that fantastic, I am amazed such major surgery and you have bounced back so well. Just don't overdo it and end up feeling worse. As the saying goes, slowly slowly catchee Monkey :lol: I wish you all the best for the next few weeks. :clover: :heart:
Get well soon and best wishes for a speedy recovery.
So happy to hear your good news! Enjoy a relaxing recovery. :heart:
That's simply amazing Julie, you go girl!!

Arnica pills are amazing for post-op bruising. My sister was recommended them by her surgeon when she had a cosmetic op. I swear by them. Larger Boots stock them, and online of course. The cream is pretty useless.
Pleased to hear all is well Julie and best wishes for a speedy recovery - at least you don't have the thought of major surgery hanging over your head any more - it's done!
That's brilliant news so pleased you are feeling good.
Haven't you done well? This is truly amazing but great to hear, fantastic to be home again after such a short stay in hospital. Best wishes and lots of hugs

Ballerina x :heart:
Slowly slowly, gently gently now, healing properly before getting too enthusiastic about all your plans!
So glad all is well {{{+}}}
Wow that was quick @Julieathome hope you get a speedy recovery and more pain free day/nights.
:clover: :clover: :clover:
I am so pleased everything went well for you. :victory:
Good gracious - you don't hang about Julie!

Marvellous news that you are doing so well - am thrilled to hear it.

Keep up the good work....!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Great news Julie! Take it easy and hope you're back to full strength soon. :)
Go Julie, your message has made me well up - in a good way! I'm so glad you are winning. Wishing you the very best and see you here soon.

Love Lizbeanx :heart:

PS What hospital did you go to - I may need to move to Herefordshire if ever in need
Wow, I didn't expect to hear from you so quickly. Now you need to behave yourself and not do too much.
Oh well done, Julie! Now you're home, please don't overdo things! The boys can look after themselves for a while. So glad you're listening to your body re: eating - I personally wouldn't be fasting for the next couple of weeks, and keeping up the protein & calcium/magnesium/ vit d as others have said. Just giving yourself time to heal. Fantastic work so far!
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