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Well done, Julie. How fab to be back home so soon. Take good care of yourself and let your sons and husband look after you for a change.
This is wonderful to hear, Julie!
That's wonderful Julie. As everyone says take care of yourself now and don't overdo it. :heart: :grin:
Such good news, so glad your home, just take care of yourself and enjoy your improvement on your health.
Fabulous news. I am so pleased for you and I am keeping everything crossed, that you continue to improve as quickly as you are doing. Amazing. x.x
Lots more cyber hugs heading your way. :kiss: Hopefully this is the start of a much more pain free life for you.
Way to go Julie - you'll be back in that shed in no time! :like: :clover: :heart: :victory:
Sounds like great progress Julie… glad you are doing well. :)
Glad to hear you're home and it all went well. No rush to get back into fasting, your body will let you know when it's ready.
Fliiping Magic - who'd of thought you'd be home so quick?

Take it easy girl :heart:
Welcome home @julieathome :heart:
Well done Julie, so glad it went ok for you :-) Take it easy, enjoy abit of down time and keep that positive attitude going! You sound like a lovely smiley person :clover:
Im seriously impressed by the speed at which you are recovering. What a determined lady you are! :wink: As others have said, don't go mad...take it easy.

Big hugs coming your way...

Bean :heart:
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That is brilliant Julie!! So pleased to hear that all went well & that you are home in record time. Look after yourself & take it easy for awhile to allow your body to heal. :rose: :rose:
Yay! That's magic that you made your escape so fast - now for an equally speedy recovery. But don't over estimate what you can do - take it gently at first!

The soreness might increase rather than decrease for a wee while - they veritably throw one about on the operating table when one's out cold (if you're feeling really brave, have a shufti on youtube; then again, maybe not). I've had hand print bruises come out several days later after surgery! Your 'several rounds with Mike Tyson' analogy was sound - that's pretty much how you can expect to feel for a bit. But it's all good. Second the seconding of arnica, I'd also recommend comfrey oil if you can get hold of it - both rubbed in externally but not on broken skin. The latter is also known as "knitbone" - for good reason, it really can help! All the very best xxx FatDog.
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