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Whoop Whoop! I'm home, well I was home last night, but crashed on the sofa as soon as I got in. As far as I'm concerned that hospital is amazing. I've had major surgery, had minimal effects from the anesthetic, mostly pain free and out of bed within 12 hours. I was using crutches and discharged within 36 hours. I didn't even get a chance to use my new pyjamas as I was encouraged to wear normal loose clothes to help me to feel more in control. Amazing! The care was fantastic too, they couldn't do enough to help, and the doctors were all gorgeous.

I'm now limping around the house without the crutches, I'm limping because they had to chisel a chunk of bone from my pelvis to make into the graft for my neck. The hip hurts more than the neck. I have a large dressing on my neck and one on my hip. Numerous holes where I had drips and other injection sites. 4 in my foot because my vein in my hand collapsed and the anesthetist couldn't get to anywhere at the top half of my body due to two surgeons working on me, so he had to find a vein in my foot. The bruising is starting to come out, I am going to look as if I have done a round with Mike Tyson soon and my wound sites are itching!

The decompression of the spinal cord has already worked for the pain and stinging in my hands, my shoulder muscles are tense, but not rock hard any more. As I wean off the painkillers and other drugs in the next month I will find out how well the operations worked. So far though, I can't praise the surgeons, staff and the hospital enough.

So I'm back. I won't start fasting yet, as my body is telling me weird things at the moment. I'm ravenous, but can only eat small portions which would make fasting hard to do. So I'm filling up on protein and calcium rich foods to help with repair and bone building and will get as much sun as I can for the vitamin D to help the conversion of the calcium into bone.

I don't know if its the remains of the morphine, or just plain relief that I came out of surgery with none of the horrid things I was expecting to happen, but I'm ecstatic about the results.

Thank you all for the good wishes you sent me. They may be virtual, but they help tremendously to know that you have friends and family that care for you.
That is so good to hear Julie. Well done you - a strong lady most definitely.
Have you considered arnica? I find it very good for bruising and I bruise very easily. Used it post surgery and felt it had good results.
Keep doing what you're doing and you'll be bouncing about like a two year old very soon.
Amazing :)
This is fantastic news Julie! I'm so happy for you!
(Keep up the magnesium as well as vitamin D and calcium to maximize bone health)
Congrats @julieathome. Speedy recovery wishes from here. Peace & blessings.
Holy Cow Julie - that's amazing!! And you are walking (although limping) around already = yayyyy. Hope your pain won't be too bothersome and that you can sleep well at nights and that everything heals up fast.

Remember when I had my first laparascopy and I played "good awake feel fine" patient in the recovery room and then even more play acting when I got up to the ward, just so they let me go home with The DH the same day. Normally one had to stay over night ;)

Big Hugs!!
Fantastic news Julie. The only way is up, now (though not weightwise, I'm sure!) xx
Well done, Julie! Fabulous news!
Wow, that's great. I'm not surprised you are ecstatic, I'm pretty chuffed myself just reading your good news. What a relief.
That's fantastic @Julieathome :heart: - nice to be back home so quick
That's excellent news. Carry on the good work!
That's fantastic, Julie!!
Great news Julie. Take it easy and don't try and do too much :smile:
So pleased Julie!
Now sit back,relax, eat good stuff. Keep moving but only gently, and let the menfolk do everything while you convalesce
I agree with @janeg re use of arnica x
What good news. I bet you are pleased beyond belief!
So pleased Julie. Keep warm and don't forget your afternoon naps. Nice to be home I expect.
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