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Non-diet Chat

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Good going, I hope you make it through the month as an example to us all. I will try next month.

Chocolate - have you tried stirring cocoa powder into Greek yoghurt? I mean of course real cocoa powder like Rowntrees or Green and Blacks which does not already have sugar and stuff added.
Well done so far Katamac! X
barbarita wrote: Good going, I hope you make it through the month as an example to us all. I will try next month.

Chocolate - have you tried stirring cocoa powder into Greek yoghurt? I mean of course real cocoa powder like Rowntrees or Green and Blacks which does not already have sugar and stuff added.

Oh that's a great idea - I've got cacao powder, which is raw ground cacao beans, that might work. Fasting today, so will give it a go tomorrow.

I'm not going a calendar month, I started on 24 Feb and will go to 24 Mar (except that'll be a fast day, so 25 Mar) - so you could try anytime :grin:
Well done katamac. Cheering you on. :like:
I'm halfway through, and still missing my sweet things. Yesterday said no to fudge, cup cakes and other delicious looking baked treats.

Still not missing alcohol. Have realised though that anything I want to drink when out that isn't alcohol is full of sugar (coke, rock shandy, chai latte) so pretty much sticking to water.

Still don't feel any different energywise or in any other way. BUT also haven't lost any weight the entire 2 weeks.
Thank you for the update, interesting! I hav massive sugar cravings and frequently give in to any junk floating past me! Is the lack of weight loss due to making up for it in other areas or just stuck for a couple of weeks do you think? You are very brave!!! I have had a bad time with choccy recently (it won!), and I am going with some 90% next work swing to wean myself off!
(choccy usually always wins with me too!)
I'm not sure what the no weight loss thing is - I didn't think I'd been eating more, but I suppose when I reach for nuts and seeds and full fat greek yoghurt instead of sweet things maybe I'm eating way more of them than I think? It's surprised me, because I thought I'd lose a bit more than usual (I'm a slow loser anyway). It does mean I won't feel bad eating sweet things in future haha.
That may be the problem. I thought I'd have 12 almonds at lunchtime and ended up with 20, well they are so small!!!
Debs wrote: That may be the problem. I thought I'd have 12 almonds at lunchtime and ended up with 20, well they are so small!!!

some nuts are so moorish. hard to stop. and they are just soooooooooooooo calorifically dense
575 calories in just 100 grams of almonds and thats not many almonds ... uts-chart/

but they are good for you.. ... efits-nuts
I know, and nuts are a good fat for apple shaped people like me! Must stop trying to eat so many though, they are a bit of a downfall for me!
Yeh, it's hard when you know they're healthy, but moderation is the key (isn't it always?) Hubby is very susceptible to overeating with nuts. He can polish off a kg of nuts in a few days, so mostly I freeze them (because I buy in bulk through a coop) and only get out small amounts at a time (he hasn't twigged yet lol)
Wow you're doing well on the no sugar katamac!congrats! I cant do it yet..just beyond me for now.
Yeah,can see the small problemo of eating more of other stuff instead grrrrr! A good appetite is a bugger isnt it! Sometimes,soooo hard to stop once we've started! X gahhhhh!
Well done and keep it up, I'm with you on the no sugar, our teeth will thank us for it :0D
Well I've pulled the pin on the no sugar. 18 days. Yesterday I had a really stressy day (who would imagine that Mavericks would crash Quark constantly?) with a print deadline looming, and that plus not just not losing weight since I went off sugar, but actually putting on a kilo? That tipped me over the edge and I decided that a blanket cutting out of any food just doesn't work for me - even sugar. So dark roasted almond chocolate, Hello!

Though on the alcohol, if I have a drink on Saturday, it'll be a month between drinks - and that part was actually very easy. It's been a few years of slowly cutting the "have a drink every evening" habit, and it seems that was very successful.

So I think for me, a blanket ban of anything doesn't work, but maybe I can slowly just cut back on sugar. (I mean do I REALLY need strawberry jam on my eggy bread and omelettes?)
It sounds as if even 18 days has been a good thing - even if you haven't lost weight. I think it's more about the mindset and maybe just being aware of the extra sugar you have when you don't need it may be a better way to go.

Well done for 18 days I say!
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