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Non-diet Chat

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Hang in there SD. Thinking of you, sending vibes and looking forward to having you back
Hello just catching up on here and sorry to see the position you have been put in. Working for the local authority is not what it used to be is it? I'm so pleased to have escaped to work for myself.
It is really unfair to regrade, always downwards, hard working, experienced people who are worth far more. How do they expect people to give their best and go the extra as we all used to? It is demoralising to say the least.
I hope you get some good news. But if not, try not to worry, life goes on and sometimes better things happen instead.
Darling all will be well. Don't brood, just remember that you do a good job, so you will be there for as long as u want. They can't get rid of everyone and you have 3 years to find something that suits you better. When u start to brood, think of me...I'll be dragging dogs about a dog park when I'm 70 as I have no superannuation, no partner to pay for me, no rellies to leave me any money and if I fall over I'll be rightly screwed! LOL. Everything will work out :-)
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