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I don't usually do new year's resolutions. There's an old saying that whatever you're doing on New Year's Day you'll be doing the rest of the year. It's silly, but my family has always followed it. For example, the Christmas tree doesn't come down on New Year's Day because it symbolizes joy leaving the house. Today I am fasting. I want it to symbolize being healthy and maintaining a good weight. I also hope to get a good run in, and some effective piano practice. Right now I'm at work though. A productive day at work wouldn't be a bad omen for the year.

My family also eats black eyed peas on New Year's Day for good luck. I probably won't find black eyed peas in Okinawa, but I'll try to eat some sort of beans. Just a spoonful. I'm fasting after all...
That made me think. We just finished cooking and eating 'oliebollen', a traditional Dutch food eaten on New Year's Eve, but it was too hot yesterday so we had them today for morning tea with our neighbours. They are made of flour, sugar, egg, salt and yeast and fried in oil so far from the healthiest food! Other than that I was not planning to do much, perhaps drink some sparkling shiraz later this afternoon and have a BBQ tonight. My only resolution is to enjoy life more (and worry less) so perhaps this is a good start (and in line with MaryAnn's saying).
Afternoon all!!

My resolutions for the year:
- get the hubby a job up here with me so I see him more than one week a month
- do HIT every other night. Living in a hamster cage that is my room is no excuse not to try and exercise as much as possible
- cut down white carbs
- try alternate day fasting for three weeks a month to get to my goal weight.

Not too much there then!!
My new years resolution this year was to start 5:2! so here goes... :)
Here's an article from the NY Times about keeping resolutions: ... inion&_r=0
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