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@PennyForthem could it have been Lycinda Byer?
By any chance,could Your aunty Mary be THE Aunty Mary who had a canary up the leg of her draws ? :?:
@callyanna fab shop and lovely 53 next door is a nice old fashionedy type caff with the nicest waitresses and lots of good simple food x
And almost forgot..the lovely Italian coffee place and fish restaurant x
Thank you CandiceMarie I am very much looking forward to it. I have done the virtual walk from Lime Street station to the Bistro several times on Google now so should find it. A 2 1/2 hour lunch - and they think a bit of IF is the inevitable slippery slope to eating disorders?
Aah bless you@barbarita... if you wanted to save yr legs and get a bus,its just a short bus ride from Lime street station ( can give you more details if you need them)
Or if you and Merlin and Bal met at lime street, a taxi wd be v cheap and quick between three of you x
Looking forward to meeting you @barbarita. Will it mean an early start for you?
Thanks@CandiceMarie. I shall have to study a map-but will select train which allows plenty of time-I don't do Liverpool very often.
@callyanna do you think our JL cards will arrive in time?
I'm hoping so @Merlin. If not, might be an idea to print off the welcome email with the temporary number on?
Yeh we should be ok just with our numbers..but the bistro franc lunch will include dessert..3 courses for 11 ish quid i think..
Unless perhaps - ahem -you considering two desserts..?
Well i would go along with your idea M...reluctantly of course..but if thats what you want,who am i to disagree ... :neutral:
I don't think my Aunt Mary ever had anything up the leg of her draws!!!!
Oohh errr Matron!
Must admit I was thinking that if I get an earlyish train I might need a coffee before lunch- not actually fussed about the cake.............
Hi, I'm happy to clock up the steps. If I leave Penrith after 9 I should be at Lime Street in plenty of time. Might nip into the Walker at some point - it's years since I was in Liverpool.
Just had another email from JL with a barcode on to use in store until card arrives. says money off coupons are on their way as well!
sounds promising Merlin, will keep checking my inbox for similar!
Hopefully, my email will arrive soon then.
I bet the money off coupons are for things I don't want to buy or can't afford!!
Got my email too!
@callyanna and @PennyForthem hope yours comes soon x or you will just have to watch me thru the window eating my cake! :)!
I' ll save you some crumbs! X :razz:
CandiceMarie wrote: Got my email too!
@callyanna and @PennyForthem hope yours comes soon x or you will just have to watch me thru the window eating my cake! :)!
I' ll save you some crumbs! X :razz:

Oh you are soooooooooooookind CandiceMarie! :like: :heart:
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