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Non-diet Chat

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Just saw a report on the telly. Hugs to everyone suffering from weird weather.
Seeing the devastation in the UK on our news services. Thinking of you all, take care.

Hoping everyone is ok this morning and that it is quiet after the storm.
It's quite bad here in Surrey. A local 'A' road has been closed since last Thursday and all the water is being pumped into the underpass by Tesco's in Purley - it's like a lake! Even Boris J came to look! It's making my journeys horrendous and I'm late for everything.
I'm meant to be traveling to Scotland on Saturday morning and the west coast rail line has been closed since last night. I'm really hoping that it opens again before then :(
I'm in the North East and whilst the weather has been miserable, and we had winds of about 50mph last night with rain we've had no issues. In fact I tripped over a plant pot in the garden last night and broke it....I'm going to blame it on the wind.

It's so sad to see, I used to live in Liverpool and my friends who live there have been told to not travel!
Brooklands retail park and Viscount Gardens 5mins away from my road were flooded in December and have been on alert since :shock: We are safe and dry but for me unless the weather calms down for me to confidently drive the 5hr journey (with stops) don't know when I'll next see my Daughter and Grand daughters they live in Plymouth and there's no traintrack or platform through Dawlish where my advance ticket for March would pass through :cry: But my home is safe I feel for the families having to evacuate not knowing what they will return to. :doh: Its not just water damage its sewage too YUK
Woke this morning to a beautiful blue sky and just a light wind. After a quick examination of the garden the only damage I can see is a few plant pots blown over on the patio so feel very lucky to have escaped unscathed. Hope anyone affected by the storm doesn't have too much clearing up to do today.
We have a big, heavy charcoal bbq on the patio - it was moved about 6 foot by the wind and we have lost some panes from the greenhouse. The polytunnel needs some TLC with the sticky tape, but thankfully, we seem to have escaped unscathed. The stream had a minor flood, but thankfully, minor was the operative word.
There's more on the way, though.
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