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I've just seen this on Facebook, from the Somerset Levels. It really brings home to me how bad the flooding is. In case you are not sure what you are looking at, the water is coming through the keyhole.
Yes it's terrible isn't it. I am lucky as I live on a hill.
Just had a power cut and may have to decamp to the caravan on the drive.
Driving home along the North Wales coast was very dramatic - wouldn't be surprised if they've closed the Anglesey bridges by now.
We are having flickers in the power and a couple of short outages. We are fairly sheltered where we are, but its still howling around the house. When you stand outside you can hear it roaring through the trees along the valley. It sounds just like a jet engine.
I have been watching BBC News. I can't believe how bad you guys are having it right now. Please stay safe. @julieathome, that is an incredible photo you posted.
One of the bridges into Wales closed - the one you can see in the photographers and snapper tent.
And it's getting worse...we may not have a poly tunnel for much longer.
A friend has just reported seeing her greenhouse flying past her window. I wonder if there is going to be anything left of the country after this lot. Whoever wished for no snow this winter needs shooting.
My heart goes out to the people effected with these tragic floods.
I am in Scotland and its been snowing here all day.
Here is east Kent it is hideous weather with lashing rain and gales. We've had some fences repaired yesterday blown down again already today. There's a lot of water about, and THIS happened yesterday: ... -sink-hole

However, every time I moan, I remind myself of how good we have it compared to others. We live on a hill and the immediate local area isn't too bad by comparison to other parts of the country.
Despite being so far north we have had none of any of the bad weather. Nothing more than being a bit breezey, a bit chilly and a little bit of rain and no snow. I feel we have been getting awful daily weather stories for months now. We are so fortunate, I hope no one is sufferring.
It's bean terrible here today: non-stop rain and strong winds. The girls haven't bean out because they're just a couple of lightweights.

Just heard on the news that we're in for a month of rain. How will people cope?
Awful, awful weather. I am very fortunate that I live a long way from any rivers etc.
We were caught in a massive storm when driving to collect grandson from school, the noise was enormous as the hail lashed the car and the wind screamed against us. Nursery grandson snoozed through it all! Fortunately it blew itself away and was sunny by the time I had to stand in the school playground. What a year so far :0.
The wind seems to be abating a bit here. We're under an amber warning now.
Power cut in the middle of cooking dinner! Luckily our cooker is gas and we have a good supply of candles. Light came on just as I finished you'd expect! Still blowing a hoolie out there. We had the torrential rain at lunchtime like Azureblue. River Severn in Worcester is almost to the top of the bridge arches, so no traffic allowed across the bridge. DS's train home from school was cancelled but luckily the next one went.

Supposed to be dry tomorrow but more torrential rain on Friday.
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