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Thyroid ???
20 Feb 2014, 11:19
When to my new doc today to see how my thyroid levels have developed. I thought they might have kind of even out so I could lower the dose of Levaxin, but h-k no - they are elevated so the meds have to be upped too. Now this is a fact I have very hard to understand, that high levels of the hormone is treated by a higher Levaxin dose.... :bugeyes:
Well,not by much though - only 25mg (or is it microgr??) and the good effect it might have is that I might loose weight much easier. One can always hope :smile:
Re: Thyroid ???
20 Feb 2014, 12:08
Hi @Wolfie
The hormone they are testing is TSH - thyroid stimulating hormone. It is the hormone produced in the pituitary that stimulates the thyroid gland to produce the actual active thyroid hormone. If TSH is high, it means there is not enough thyroid hormone being produced (or circulating in your blood) and therefore you need more medication. I know, it seems counter-intuitive but that is how most hormone systems work. Always confused the hell out of me when I was studying medicine. :?:
Re: Thyroid ???
20 Feb 2014, 16:37
I found this forums to be extremely well informed and the forums very supportive when my thyroid was edging up and up. They generally are more informed and up to date than practically all doctors who see a TSH level is high and automatically boost the levothroxine, without considering there may be other problems or vitamin/mineral deficiencies causing problems.
Re: Thyroid ???
20 Feb 2014, 20:49
The TSH alone doesn't tell you enough about how your thyroid is functioning. You need free T4 and T3 and reverse T3 too. Weight loss can affect tissue conversion of T4 to T3 but also reverse T3 can increase resulting in reduced effect of T3.
Re: Thyroid ???
21 Feb 2014, 12:11
Thank yo all for this. Judithn - no doc of mine have explained kit this way - now I get it:)

carorees - you are simply a fantastic fountain of knowledge. At leas this time they did the THD and nothing else, have no clue what they have done earlier. I cross my fingers and hope I will loose weight a bit easier :grin:
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