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Non-diet Chat

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Please keep your thoughts and prayers for our Boston Marathon community, of injuries and fatalities incurred today. Many people representing many countries attend this event and our heartfelt sorrow is now around the world. So sad.
Only Just heard, and watching CNN now. How terrible. My thoughts & Sympathy are with all involved. :heart:
Horrible news, I just heard about it. One of my best friends is a doctor at Massachussetts General hospital, and I spend quite a lot of time in the city as my company HQ is there. Hoping fatalities and injuries are at a minimum and that the city recovers quickly & strongly.
There are two Boston boys here in our little family I think, but I can't remember their names
Guyaroundtown and another
Terrible news. Was reading only this morning of someone on this forum who is in Boston and was watching it on TV.
Rufus I think is the other. Apologies if I'm mistaken. Hope you and yours are all safe Rufus and Guyaroundtown
I'm getting this all wrong, Rufus is a girl. Apologies. Skinnygirlinside is also one of our friends on here. I hope your are all safe. I love Boston, it's like my 2nd home
Awful news. I was just listening to the news on the radio. Dreadful. This will affect very many people.
Sending virtual hugs and positive thoughts to all...
Just seeing this on the news - thoughts going out to all in Boston.
Terrible! :(
My thoughts are going out to everyone involved, it's awful.
So awful. What is wrong with humanity. The President just spoke. No idea who is responsible. Two confirmed deaths, more than 50 injured. Our prayers are with the families.
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