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Non-diet Chat

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I miss London transport. I miss it everytime I use the Athens' one. You need to see what else is around in order to appreciate something...

Personally, I miss everything. I miss polite people, I miss not being harassed to buy something in shops, ales, cheeses, buses, Primark, New Look, proper chinese and indian food, I miss being called "luv", I miss food halls and supermarkets that are CHEAP and have EVERYTHING, chocolate, clotted cream, tea... stop me, please!!!
I can't understand you all.

I miss missing something.
I missed everything so much I moved back to the uk but after 7 years might have to move away again as the weather has been depressing, snow in April, come on that's just not right :confused:
Just looked again and people are still replying to this post. Glad you agree with me, TML13, about London transport (and Primark) and everyone seems to miss M & S Food - you just don't understand unless you live elsewhere - oh to have those prepared fresh meals on fast days or any days!!!!
Prepared food in grocery stores is so good and healthy in Japan, I don't miss m&s. I suppose I miss shops that have clothing and shoes in my size, and in styles that suit me. I miss living somewhere that you don't need a car.
I have lived in Oz for 20 years come September so it's really home for me but I do miss the Finnish summer nights, strawberries (which are like nowhere else), pan-fried herring and real rye bread.
I miss my friends and family, public transport and the English countryside.
Innocent Veg Pots for lunch :-( and Indian food. Honestly not M&S food. But as a German living in the UK for some years I simply do not have the M&S gene.

But most of all: British politness and my british friends
Lovemyparrot just read your post about missing coronation street. We have a vpn connection and can watch all Uk tv online. There are a few but we use ukivpn :)
When I lived in Bahrain I think it was mainly missing changeable weather & English rain because we could get wine & sometimes bacon! But in Saudi Arabia also seasonal weather & foody things like crusty bread, roast pork, sausages & bacon & going out to dinner & being able to have a glass of wine with my meal, somehow grape juice was ridiculous to have instead!! We made our own wine in our compound with grape juice & large bags of sugar helpfully lined up in the supermarket in Al Khobar but we had to smuggle yeast in in our luggage because this was one of the banned items. I also missed not being able to sit on the beaches & swim but could do that on this Sheiks beach in Bahrain with all the Gulf Air staff. I also very much missed family & English pubs & the casual way one could behave without constantly having to wear fully covered up clothing & as a female guard my eyes so as not to offend any locals. But my children loved compound life & the sun & ready made source of friends of many nationalities. They came back to the UK thinking planes were like buses & as adults now continue to travel around the world & pretty much get on with anyone with a very egalitarian viewpoint, so a good experience for them.
I'm an American (from Washington, DC) living in Dublin. I miss Whole Foods! And the fact that by now, it's hot out. :)
I'm an American from New Jersey living in Surrey, UK. I miss giant pizza slices, proper bagels, proper seasons (real snow and real sun, not this constant drizzle and cloud), shops like Target, automatically getting a big glass of ice water when I go to a restaurant, shirt boxes when I buy clothes as presents, cheap birthday cards, being able to get a shoe heel fixed in 5 minutes (as opposed to next week), the energy of Wall Street, casual barbecues with my family, baseball caps, Cheez-its, the Jersey Shore - gawd, sometimes I even miss Route 22 (and if you had any clue about New Jersey you would know exactly what I mean!).
I really miss Boots, as well as supermarkets, Primark and friends and family of course.
Have enjoyed this thread...I do try to go with the flow and enjoy the rain and cool green forests when I'm in Sweden or, alternatively, the baked dry, dry air of the Southwest under never ending cerulean skies. In France, it's the savoir vivre. So looking forward to fresh organic Swedish fil and strawberries exploding with flavors I've never tasted elsewhere soon.
I miss being able to buy clothes that don't say "XL" on them. I'm only a UK size 12 but live in Thailand, where I am indeed XL. My "real" XL friends don't even bother shopping here. There is one "larger size" shop in the mall next door and it's called "Miss Fatty". Just brilliant.
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