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Non-diet Chat

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I have a long list but the top three are :heart: :

M & S, especially the food

"Real" English pubs - and that equates to a lovely Sunday roast

and, just to show I don't think about food all the time,

London Transport . . . no, really.

Any favourite things you miss or would miss, if you left home for a while???

My parents retired to Southern Italy, I know for a fact they miss tea, marmite, salad cream, chinese take away, and us!! (and likewise :frown: )
It's been a long time since I lived there, but when I was in Saudi I missed bacon, proper Weetabix (we could get Australian Weet-Bix but it's not the same), fresh milk (powdered and UHT are particularly bleurgh to a girl raised next to a dairy farm) and unpredictable weather. I remember going for walks in the rain when I came back to the UK, just for the sheer joy of the sensation of something other than perpetual heat :)
I miss the food, my friends/lamily and the warm weather :(
Want to go home at least once a day - and I've been away for over 5 tears
I can get most things here, but I miss biltong made with game (springbok, kudu and ostrich mostly). I get excellent beef biltong, made by a South African butcher, and my other "essentials" (rusks, Mrs Balls chutney, jelly tots) are all sold at a shop about a block away from me.
I also spent a few years in the UK, and the two things I really miss are Yorkie bars and decent pork pies.
I also miss being able to ride my bike through parks without a helmet and being able to wander around barefoot without people giving you odd looks.
And I miss "my" mountain (Table Mountain) and hiking on it so much, it's a physical ache sometimes.
I absolutely adore Australia, but do get homesick for both Cape Town and London.
Although I'm not that far from the UK I miss having friends and my family. Get very homesick around Easter/Christmas. I miss not having a decent hairdresser and the international nature of the shops in the UK.
Probably English pubs! My local supermarket has an English shelf where I can buy Marmite, cheddar, ginger nuts and even Roses Lime marmalade if I want them. I'm lucky in that I have a very good local French hairdresser who always cuts my hair well and has never once suggested cutting it really short or dyeing it red (often the fashion here in rural France). I miss France when I go to the UK and am always pleased to get home again.
I have lived in Madrid, Algeria, U.S.A. , Sudan, Somalia, Java, the Yemen, Jordan and England. Back home in Scotland now and apart from food of course, I missed Coronation Street! I would always get my mum or sister to record it for me and it was heaven. Also missed Hogmanay!
Thanks, all, for your replies. I miss Branston Pickle, salad cream (we can get that here, at a price) and Coronation Street too. :smile:
lovemyparrot, I have Branston Pickle in my cupboard right now. My OH picked it up from Fresh n Easy. He's from Essex and has been away for nearly thirty years first to Canada, then to US.
Yes, Betsysgr8, I love Fresh and Easy - they have Aero, Paxo stuffing and mince pies at Christmas . . just hope they don't go out of business!!! Grey day in L.A. today, so I'm at the computer trying to get through my fasting day til dinner tonight.

See you on the site all the time - best of luck with your 5:2 journey.
Friends and family, M&S food hall ( very envious of all the talk about nice low cal ready meals for fast days), pubs and long summer evenings.
I live in Japan and the only thing I really miss (besides family) is cheese. You can get good French cheese at an outrageous price, but its hard/impossible to find good English cheese here.

There is a lot of bad wine here, too. I think it's often because its not stored properly. But you can get good wine if you know where to look.

Oh, I almost forgot: I really miss the Peak District. I do a bit of hiking in Okinawa, but I'm afraid of snakes and spiders, and its often too hot. Plus, this island could really use some OS maps!
Pubs, bargains and my modern detached house! One day my old farmhouse will be finished but it is hard to live with the mess.
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