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Non-diet Chat

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Nanou wrote: There is one "larger size" shop in the mall next door and it's called "Miss Fatty". Just brilliant.

Wow! :bugeyes: You have a bmi that most of us would kill for, it's extremely unfair that your size would be in a shop called "Miss Fatty"! :shock:
Ha ha, I know! It's funny though, I like their refreshing total non-PC attitude. Being "fat" here is not a judgement, it's like being blond or tall, it's just a fact. Such a culture shock though!
I cannot say that I really miss anything (apart from family obviously). When we have visitors they always ask what are we missing and what can they bring over and are usually surprised when we say nothing - apart from a case full of Revels for our daughter!

If push came to shove I could say proper bacon but make do with the Canadian back bacon that has absolutely no fat on it, and only needs warming up and the streaky bacon here is so fatty but cooks up well. My husband misses a good old English pub, the so-called pubs here usually have huge tv screens blaring out with sports so we wouldn't call them pubs. However, all that pales into the background when you think of the great countryside we live in. I wouldn't swop a British pub for hiking up a mountain and feeling on top of the world.

Anyone else in Canada? :smile:
I am an expat south african living in England and I've found a fantastic website with authentic south african recipes so make my own buttermilk rusks which taste just as good as Ouma's. At 40 calories each I have to refrain from eating too many, they're too moreish.
I'm an ex-pat from the UK and have lived in the USA, Australia and now New Zealand. I left when I was 13 and have been back 3 times since 1967. I'm also a naturalised Aussie now. I don't really miss much in the way of shops or food cos I've been away far too long, but home is where the heart is and my heart will always be in Birmingham where I grew up. We are going back in December for a month - we haven't been back for 17 years. I am so looking forward to seeing my best friend again.
I can't say I miss anything now. I've lived here in Australia for over 30 years and would probably find the UK 'foreign'. A couple of years ago we moved from Perth in Western Australia (think hot! hot! hot! long summers) and moved to Tasmania, 40km south of Hobart, and to me it feels like England.

I suppose if I really had to nominate something I miss it would be English country pubs.
I miss my friends, my family. marks, waitrose, walking in the beautiful kent countryside, british humour!!!! You name it I miss it!!! Just call me homesick why dont you :cry:
Gernats wrote: I missed everything so much I moved back to the uk but after 7 years might have to move away again as the weather has been depressing, snow in April, come on that's just not right :confused:

It has been a crazy year. Just to make you feel better we had snow in May in Central Spain!!!! nightmare
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