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Non-diet Chat

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Mental health
08 Jun 2013, 17:43
I have BPD (Borderline personailty disorder) In other words I am completely la la. :bugeyes:
Anyone else on here suffer with any sort of mental illness?
Obviously some people do not like to admit anything like this but I am a great believer that more people should be aware of mental illness. It still seems such a taboo subject but hopefully with people like Stephen Fry speaking out like he does amongst a few others it won't stay such a scary subject. :geek:

Re: Mental health
08 Jun 2013, 18:47
Hi jaine - you are quite right. More people should be aware of mental illness. The more we can all discuss it, the easier it is for those who suffer from it.

It is definitely not such a taboo subject as it was many years ago, which can only be a good thing.

Good luck with your weight loss!
Re: Mental health
08 Jun 2013, 18:54
Thanks so much for posting this! I don't have a mental disease so far (although you never know the way life in Greece is at the mo) but I know how hard it can be sometimes because a very dear friend of my family suffered from some sort of disorder (forgive but I don't remember its name).
It is not a scary subject by itself, IMO, it's just that some people are scared to talk about it in case they offend someone.
Let us know if we can help in any way while you're on your journey to Thinland! :-)
Re: Mental health
08 Jun 2013, 18:56
Hi Jaine
Great to have you on the forum. There was a R4 programme last week about BPD (which I'd never heard of before) called On The Borderline. Anyone who wants to listen, try this link

Thanks for bringing it up - there are probably lots of people on here with mental health issues, so I hope we can be supportive of them as much as people with physical health issues.

Keep us posted and good luck!
Re: Mental health
08 Jun 2013, 19:58
Thank you all so much for replying, I am shocked & very pleased anyone did. I have suffered mental illness since I was 14 yrs old. Been lots of incorrect diagnoses, tablets & seen so many specialists it is untrue. The only person who really understands me & what I am going through is ME. I really am quite the expert now :-) & I will try to help anyone I can.
Please do not be scared, ashamed or ignorant & post up, there are a lot more people with various mental problems than any of us know.
Re: Mental health
08 Jun 2013, 20:00
Oh Jaine, I suffered for years with a wrong diagnosis for an autoimmune, I feel for you!
Re: Mental health
08 Jun 2013, 20:41
I'm on a psychiatry placement at uni at the moment and have spoken to a lot of patients with mental illness and the stigma associated is really appalling. Sorry to hear that you've been misdiagnosed a lot - unfortunately that's one of the issues I've found with psych - there's no test you can draw blood or get a scan for and get a nice definitive diagnosis!

Thanks for posting that link silverbelle, off to go have a listen and count it as revision for my upcoming exam!!
Re: Mental health
08 Jun 2013, 22:12
I don't suffer with any mental health disorders, at least nothing clinically diagnosed, but have a close relative with bipolar disorder which is so very misunderstood and often misdiagnosed. I've sort of been raised around the condition because of how involved my mum is with the situation, and rally fell that mental health needs to be more in the open for people to accept and understand it. I'm sure there are loads of people suffering with undiagnosed conditions and are scared or even unaware of getting help. There should be no stigma attached to it. Some of the nicest people I've met have been at the day centre my rellie used to attend!
Re: Mental health
08 Jun 2013, 23:03
Thank you for posting this Jaine. Mental health is the last big elephant in the room in our society IMO. We comfortably discuss our sexuality, politics, health and financial status but no one ever starts a conversation about their depression or anxiety attacks. My father suffered from mental health problems all his life before committing suicide at 81 ( after years of failed attempts) and it was never discussed in the family even though it had a major impact on my brother and I growing up. It was just referred to as dad wing "unwell". I have a much more honest relationship with my young adult "children" and they know that I suffer from panic attacks and how to help me if I can feel one building. There is a great new initiative in Australia in men's mental health to help combat some of these issues. 33 men per week commit suicide in Australia each week and it is the biggest killer of men aged 17 - 44.
Re: Mental health
08 Jun 2013, 23:43
Thank you, Jaine.

Several of my relatives have suffered from severe anxiety in the recent past - and I can think of a dozen friends and family members that have been affected by mental problems at different times.

We should indeed be able to talk about freely about the issue - and no-one should feel any stigma.
Re: Mental health
09 Jun 2013, 01:48
The people that have gathered in this forum are the most wonderful, sensitive, humorous, supportive group I have ever run across, you all bring tears to my eyes! :heart:
Re: Mental health
09 Jun 2013, 02:09
Welcome jaine
Like your signature :), all the best with the journey with 5:2 fasting
It is sad there is lots of stigma and discrimination still in our society in regard to mental health issues. Power to you for being so up front. Don't hesitate to ask the forum about any concerns re this journey. People here are very supportive and it's a nice place to hang out
Re: Mental health
09 Jun 2013, 02:54
Hi Jaine,
A far as I'm concerned there is no difference between wonky brain chemistry and wonky body chemistry, it's all the same. In my family we run to depression, Alzheimers and bipolar. As far as I know, I have no problems but that could change at any moment, just like I could fall over and break a leg. I think the stigma will disappear as more research finds the reasons for mental problems. There is a great fear of the unknown.
I wish you much success with 5:2. Lots of helpfuk folk here so ask any questions you like.
Cheers from Chook.
Re: Mental health
09 Jun 2013, 12:25
Hi Jaine
My Mum has bipolar but it only came on about 10 years ago (she is 76) so quite unexpected.
She is at the moment very "lala"!!
I wish you all the best with your health and good on you for being so open and honest.
Re: Mental health
09 Jun 2013, 13:51
Hi Jaine

Welcome to the forum. I have mum suffering from Alzhemiers. Youngest grandson has physical and mental problems but he looks ok so people don't realise that his odd little ways are due to a problem, daughter has taken him out of mainstream school and pays private for him now as eight year old boys don't do hugs and his brother who is a year older was getting teased about him, even the mothers at the school gates made comments in front of my daughter. All is ok now though, he loves his new school.
My husbands side of the family has a rogue gene and its mainly materialised in our grand kids generation. We have Attention disorder, mild to severe Autism and Aspergers affecting 1 neice, 2 nephews and 5 great neice/nephews.
So in our family you could say mental health probs are the norm, all the kids are happy in their own ways. We have to ignore comments from outsiders and carry on with humour and lots of love. :smile:
Chris x
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