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I don't like Russell Square either, LOL!

I had found the house of my dreams a couple of years ago. It was a first&second floor apartment on Praed Street, almost across the street from Hilton Paddington. It was small but very nice. Only half a million quid too... :-)
I don't like Russell Square AT ALL :shock: :razz: - the bit I like is a couple of streets away, hidden from the main drag, but close enough to get everywhere easily ... There are lots of these hidden enclaves around London - another is around Exmouth Market, and another north of Holborn, east of Southampton Row. They all have their own particular character, lots of small shops, cafes, delis, pubs, and most important, people actually living there.

I had a friend, years ago in the 80s, who used to live on Gloucester Terrace, Paddington, a ground floor flat in one of the big cream stucco georgian houses ... It was a huge studio flat, with only a bathroom separate to the huge main room and huge cupboards, cost her £22,000 in about 1982 ...
That's why I like staying near Paddington. I adore London Street and Norfolk Square Gardens, even Susses Gardens. And since I don't ride the tube anymore, I'm only a bus ride away from everywhere in London!
The problem is that I can't get my mum to stay there because she adores Marble Arch and the view of Hyde Park.
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