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Non-diet Chat

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Its cooler, slightly this weekend with higher temperatures and increased humidity for next week, with serious thunderstorms midweek. Yipee for thunderstorms.
Slept without my little table fan last night. Yay! Forecast for London for today is 24C. Double yay! And the garden's got everything crossed for thunderstorms next week (plants look a bit odd, what can you do). :smile:
The biggest thing I am noticing is the amount of yellow and brown grass everywhere. Its starting to look rather continental around here.
Its warm in Norway too but not a heatwave. I am ashamed to say that the heat is making me wilt. I am too used to the cold and now I am rather useless in the heat.

I moan to my friends back home and they ask me how hot it is and I say 25C and they laugh at me.

In the summertime how do we distinguish a tourist to someone who lives in Norway? Tourist no matter Europeans or from the rest of the world are in thick sweaters and jackets some winter jackets while the locals are in their bikini sweating and dying from the heat and the cold wind is god sends while tourists bundles up even more. It shows that how resilient we humans are to what mother nature gives us once we are used to it.......
We as British once went to a campsite in Southern France in mid-May. We were in shorts, t'shirts and swimwear waiting for the pool to heat up enough to be usable, the locals were coming in to get their caravans set up for the summer season wearing full fur coats with polo neck jumpers and scarves. I just couldn't believe it.
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