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Greenmonster - your wish might be granted. Should cool down to around early twenties at the weekend :victory:
I'm not enjoying this heat, it's about 30 degrees in Paris and just too hot in my little flat! Plus because it's hot the kids can't sleep, so they want to come and sleep in our bed, and 4 people in 10 square metres without the window open because it's too noisy is just too much!
My parents have a swimming pool in their garden in London, and I would give anything to be there, being able to get into cool water changes everything!
Yup, Greenmonster, I'm with you all the way. Can't sleep, can't exercise, can't get up to my study (attic) to sort out paperwork - I feel like I'm under siege. Roll on weekend and cooler weather!

Disclaimer - I reserve the right to whinge just as vociferously about the cold and endless rain when the time comes :wink:
Wow well I managed to sleep at last and logged on to find all your lovely answers! Can you Aussies just clarify what you class as 'cold' once your giggles have died down?!

I am very much looking forward to the cooler weekend, we'll be heading up to the coast to get some sea air.

I think one of the problems we have in Britain is that, because our weather doesn't do this all that often, we are just expected to carry on as normal with no real adjustments (same as when it's snowing). Luckily I'm currently between jobs (start again in August) so barring a few appointments I've not go to rush around anywhere but I would like to do things. I do feel for those working in stuffy offices, kitchens or in hot sweaty costumes (I once volunteered in a Viking village in weather like this - layers of wool, I sweat buckets).

I guess we all have different tolerance levels. I see tourists here in summer with thick jumpers and coats on, but then I see them in winter looking like Michelin men barely able to move because of the layers - and it's a balmy 6 degrees (40F), the sort of weather where locals will go on a pub crawl in shirt sleeves and tiny skirts.

And the OH will be most definitely staying in our room - he's been a couple of hundred miles away all week ;)

Strangely I don't find fasting makes me feel all that cooler in hot weather - it just makes me feel even more lethargic. Today's a fast day though so we shall see.

Oh and another drawback of hot weather - yesterday morning I was watering the plants and heard my neighbour do a huge fart. All the windows were wide open. Who knows what they hear me doing ;)

Ha, shachat I like your disclaimer. I'm guessing you're a Brit...
Well we dont get much of this type of weather in GB so I'm loving it no matter what. Before we know it, it'll be cold, grey and dark at 3.40pm. Rather the sunshine anyday.
I hate to be a party pooper of this moan fest, but get som freaking AC in your homes. You can pick up inexpensive solutions in a shop today and have it up and running by this afternoon if you don't want something permanent.
I've got a fan which gets used quite a bit.

Don't diss a good communal moan - it's therapeutic, you know!! As long as you can moan & move on and be cheerful in real life :)
Hi I normally dont like the heat but I think I am getting used to it and not feeling so drained, so make the most of it as Monday the rain could be arriving ha ha and we will soon forget what it is like to feel hot
Ooh yes please carol! Although according to my forecast it looks like rain at 30C! The garden will be pleased though!!

I'm very sure the weather will break soon as we are on holiday for a fortnight in just over week's time. Probably camping too - so will almost certainly rain! Can't wait...
I'm loving this weather, but, no doubt it will rain constantly as soon as the kids break up for school holidays. Is this not part of the British culture to moan about the weather constantly?
Surely if we got a portable A/C unit we would moan because it was too cold?
I love the fact that the rest of the world, who live in permanent 50 degrees, and walk 20 miles to work carrying 25kilos in their backpacks laugh at us melting in 30degs. We too can pah at them with the heating on at 19, a pleasant t shirt day for us!
Long may the British weather moaning continue, it's what keeps us going.

I'm now sulking because it's apparently going to get cooler !
Absolutely, minsmum - moaning is what keeps us going! If you haven't ever read a book called 'Watching the English' by Kate Fox, go and find it. It perfectly describes the phenomenon of us talking about the weather incessantly. We actually use it as a social interaction tool, rather than being intrinsically fascinated with the weather per se. It's a book about what it means to be English (at a time when Scottish and Welsh identities are perhaps more tangible) but I'm sure many of the characteristics are transferrable to other home nations. Our habit of saying sorry all the time, how we queue all the time etc etc.

Actually what I'd really llke is a good thunderstorm - a really loud, cracking one with loads of fork lightning. Haven't seen a decent one in years. We used to sit & & watch them when holidaying at my grandparents' in Suffolk back in the 80s - used to get good ones down there.

Anyway I shall get off the computer and go outside and get some air while it's still reasonably fresh!
shachat wrote: Yup, Greenmonster, I'm with you all the way. Can't sleep, can't exercise, can't get up to my study (attic) to sort out paperwork - I feel like I'm under siege. Roll on weekend and cooler weather!

Disclaimer - I reserve the right to whinge just as vociferously about the cold and endless rain when the time comes :wink:

lol :lol:
Me too re sleep, exercise, attic office and whinging about rain!
ha ha its just us brits we got to have a moan , we dont cope in the snow either where I live it comes to a stand still when we get an inch of snow ha ha
Sounds like a good read.
My brother IS a weather buff, guess we all have to have our thing! He has recording the rainfall in his garden for the last too many years to remember. And he keeps the books with his scribblings! V handy if you want to know how much rain fell in his back garden on this day in 1985. Personally I think he's strange, but oh we'll, he's British and it is the weather! A true English eccentric.
I love a good thunderstorm too, so long as its at night and clears by the morning for the sun to come out.
Come up north, all you southerners! It is a glorious 22 -24 degrees here, with the occasional gentle cooling breeze. Sheer bliss :cool:
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