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Non-diet Chat

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Yep, we did all that first time and had great fun, not with the actual splinters you understand :shock:

Ballerina x
Yep, I make wooden dildo's. Along with other more mundane stuff like dibbers for the garden and light pulls etc.

The wood is sanded down to over 1,200 grit so no splinters. Does your hardwood chopping board splinter? Chopping boards are only sanded down to 400 grit at the most.
I am also a really good DIY'er, Plastering my specialty, the only building trick I don't do well is brickwork.
I have dabbled in sewing, tapestry, cross stitch, quilt making, a tiny bit of knitting etc.
When it comes down to it though, I should have been born 20 years after I was so that I could have followed a trade in the building industry. As it was, when I was in school woodwork and metalwork was for boys and cooking, cleaning and sewing was for girls.
Ballerina wrote: To quote Julie from an earlier post about hobbies"..............................

"I do woodturning. I make wooden sex toys for female friends. You did ask! "

Now you all know, :shock:

Ballerina x :heart:

Been trying to think of a suitable response but I'm still speechless! :oops: Certainly a unique talent Julie has there! :grin:
... No wonder the passionflowers have taken to her shed roof (cos that's where she does the woodturning) :lol: :lol: :lol:
I am gobsmacked! But good on ya Julie! You are a Jill of all trades (apart from the brickwork!)
Youre a highly talented lady
But - wooden dildos - who knew?
Have a google, or look on Etsy. Plenty there for sale. I hate the smell of the rubbery ones so had to make my own.
You are opening my eyes to a whole new world Jools! x
My secret talent is such a secret that I don't even know what it is. When I was in primary 3 our teacher told us that God gave each one of us a talent. I am now 67 and still haven't found it, my DH may say I have a talent for being annoying that's a bit of bad luck then.
Julie, do you work from a template or do your own designs or what?? What an amazing lady you are to be able to turn your hand to so many things. :like:
@rawkaren I can hear the sea from my house if the wind is blowing in the right direction, so you can bring everyone up here in your prospective boat. Everyone else can bring there knitting, cross stitching and 7 sewing machines. @Julieathome can give us a demonstration and we can try and work out what @Nessie's secret talent is.
CandiceMarie wrote: Hmmm the word splinters comes to mind .....

Don't worry, @Julieathome says she uses a very fine grit sandpaper then gives it a really good seal with coconut oil. :wink:
I knit and make clothes for myself. As an artist and making a living at it it's cool to do other stuff that's still creative. And on the quiet I have to say I am what is called a horse whisperer lol. I have been a Parelli Natural Horsemanship student for 7 years.
I believe everyone has a talent, without exception xxx
Wow an actual horse whisperer. Do tell us more. I'm fascinated that you can communicate that way.
Gosh - scratching my head on this one and getting fingers full of splinters!!
I'm an organiser (can be a bit OCD at times, so not sure it's a talent) - play the piano, type at 90wpm, can charm any cat within 50ft (that's my witch talents coming to the fore) and I'm told a bake a pretty mean scone ....

5 mins later... I've now just read through the whole thread and seen Julie's talent and Ballerina's reply about splinters!!! NOTHING related in any way whatsoever to my reference to splinters :oops: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
I have several lapsed talents, things I could do well but which I hardly ever do now.

I've always been good at sewing and loved to make new clothes out of old when my children were younger.

I learned to make corn dollies but it's difficult to get the old types of straw with a long stem between each node.

Gardening has always been my passion but my back won't let me do too much. I love digging, weeding, pruning, taking cuttings, sowing seeds, dividing plants - I used to sell plants in the lay-by outside our house.

I can read upside down (not me, just words) and back to front.

...and I can guess who did it in whodunits.
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