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What are your secret talents?
12 Oct 2013, 10:04
:grin: Now that the green-fingered amongst us have come out of the woodshed and given us the benefit of their gardening tips and advice I wondered what other talents we could share and whose brains we could pick next! :?:

So come on, no hiding your light under a bushel, let us know what you excel at, be it playing the spoons with your knees, juggling, singing, whatever! :wink:
To set the ball rolling I'll admit to doing a mean Indian head massage :razz: Now over to you!
Ohhh Callyanna i dont have one! But yours sounds fab!
I am a good listener but i dont think thats a talent really isit,just something that develops over the years in most of us
Interesting subject tho..i am ready to get very jealous!
@CandiceMarie, don't put yourself down, being a good listener is a fab talent! x
I make cakes, knit, crochet and sew. I am currently making a knitted bed cover by knitting blue and white squares, one striped in the middle then plain blue and plain white around the sides. I then crochet together the big squares that leaves a white ridge around each big square of nine. I will pad and back it when done for our bed. It will mean I can use plain white duvet covers ( made from sheets) but keep my blue and white color scheme. It will also keep us warm! I live in an old farmhouse so my quilt is in keeping. I do cross stitch and make clothes for me.
I will soon have to start on making the curtains for the first Gite.
Hi everyone!

well not sure about being a talent but i can make people laugh :-) we have a very tedious and mondane job walking around all day so at times we need a good laugh and smiles!!

i speak fluent french as i born in France but with italian parents so yes bits of italian in there too lol!! and i bake a mean cheesecake too!!
hope it doesnt all sound a bit big headed, am not i promise!!!

take care now

Angie xxxx
Oh that sounds fab Bobshouse, bet it will look gorgeous. I love blue and white together. I used to do cross stitch too many moons ago but now I'm older find it too taxing on my eyes.
I have some talent as an artist, using watercolours and such.
Let me come back to you on this ...

Goes away to think of one... :shock: I am sure there must be lots, but can't think of one quite at this moment :lol:
I'm not sure this is considered a talent but I think that I'm a pretty good story-teller. I teach small children so I have to find ways to engage them in stories and I think I'm good at that lol. Other than that, I'm pretty good at cross-stitch :smile:
I am another cross stitcher
The DH say I'm an administration genius. I cook very well, so good that when we are having people over for dinner, there isn't a morsel left. I can be utterly charming when I want to and the absolute opposite too :shock: You know the old saying "I'm 51% sweetheart and 49% bitch - don't push it. I have great persuasion skills subtly or not so when needed....not I'm not a HA hang around LOL.
I have been doing all sorts of creative things and including sewing - have done all from wedding dresses, to ball gown and women suits.The last 6 yrs or something I have been quilting (if there are any more quilters here - yell!!) nowadays mostly doing appliqué .
I want to believe I'm a great mom (my kids are turning out soooo well) and a wife - the DH would never find his way around family matters and other stuff without me. :heart:
What an interesting topic!

I started reading thinking that I don't have any hidden talents, then I remembered that I make great cakes and sweet things, I am also a pretty good cook I think! Thanks for reminding me of my talents LOL!
I can roll my tongue and wiggle my ears!

That is true BTW but I am also creative, not artist. So - cardmaking, jewellery making, ribbon embroidery, pergamano, making curtains and roman blinds, anything crafty really. We are currently installing a new kitchen ourselves using hubby's diy skills, my design skills and brother in law is coming up in a weeks time to fit the worktops and do a little bit of plumbing.
I can tap-dance....
I can do origami ...
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