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Non-diet Chat

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I chose my signature quote "You don’t drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there" because if I occasionally overeat I don't have to put the weight on with this WOE (I'll just be falling in the water), but if I keep eating too much then it will all pile on again (I'll be drowning).

How did other members of this forum decide what to use as their signature quotes?
"No longer the elephant in the room" seemed to sum up how I felt, also, it is true :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Ditto with me :grin: :wink: :grin:
I chose mine because that's what I do!
Hahaa Penny :lol:
I change mine depending on what "speaks" to me at the time. This one works for me at the moment :like:
Well I choose mine because my dad has a saying : "always think the worst and good will come" :-) :clover: :heart:
Before I joined the Christmas club I had as my signature: "I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that..." which is Ben Goldacre's motto (he of Bad Science) and seems to be true of so very, very many things, whether talking about science, politics, relationships or whatever!
Mine is a quote from Queen and Bowie's song "Under Pressure" and I love that part of the song, a very positive message
Mine, well its all in the mind isn't it? And I am partial to a slice or four of pizza :)
What a good interesting thread!
I agree with karen..i change mine as and when a quote resonates with me or inspires me.
Obstacle turning into stepping stone feels very positive to me xx
'Anti-gravity for the masses' was my original attempt at being cute and amusing, so far only one person has commented so probably not that successful...
'Dans la semaine des cinq jeudis' is a modification of the French saying 'in the week of four Thursdays', which means never. Thursdays were feasting days in ancient France, and we get to have five feasting days!
I am on a journey with this WOE & my first step was to fast.
Thank you, I wondered where that came from @Manderley :smile:
Some people like to play fast and loose.....I just want to fast and lose.
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