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:heart: Good luck Julie x :heart:

:clover: :clover: :clover:

And the same to @tickatape :heart:
I hope it all went well and that you have the outcome you wanted :)
I hope it all went well for you. We are all waiting to hear how you got on.
What news? Just been with my daughter for a hosp went quite well
..hope yours also xx
Hope it went well Julie.
Whey Hey! I'm on the surgery waiting list. The surgeon we (hubby was with me) spoke to was lovely, with a nice sense of humour, but he confirmed what the other surgeon said. If I don't have the surgery I will eventually lose the use of my lower half. As it is the surgery probably won't get me back to uninjured condition, but it will stop the degradation getting any worse, fingers crossed though that it will be an improvement on what it is right now. It also seems that I have been on the waiting list since June already. Its a waiting game now. I have the pre-op assesment to go to (MRSA swab, bloods etc), then surgery will be within a month of that date. So I must wait, again.
At least I don't feel like a hypochondriac any more.
Lovely set of MRI scans again, and I forgot to ask him for copies.
Plus the surgeon was concerned about my sciatica so he's sending me for scans on my lower back as well.
Positive news all round.
Excellent, so pleased for you Julie {{{{}}}}
Whoohoo! You ARE on the waiting list and have been for last 6 months (would have been nice if you had already known but at least you have six months of waiting overwith lol)! Fabulous! :heart: :)
Great news Julie, must be such a relief for you all.
Oh thats great Julie x so glad things are moving..great that youre already on the list! X
tickatape wrote: Good luck to you too! I have an appointment at the hospital tonight at 7:20 for a spinal problem.

Hope that went well @tickatape
So happy to hear that, Julie! Such a relief to be getting the surgery, and to be already on the waitlist.

We just now got back from the spine doc, ourselves. Hubs has a Spondylolisthesis of the lowest vertebrae (had to look up how to spell that one - for those not in the know, it just means a bone in the spine slipping out of proper position). It's very painful, but the doc says he should not have surgery until it becomes excruciating! :frown: It's not that yet, so we were relieved.
Excellent news, let's hope that the wait isn't too long. Now go get your masks so that you don't get any infections pre op. What a great early Xmas present.
Great news Julie, hopefully not too long to wait.
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