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I have really enjoyed reading your replies. In the past we have bought my sons watches for Christmas, not expensive but smart looking ones, & neither of them wear them!
I feel undressed if I don't wear one & I also hate being late for appointments & always allow "get lost time" when going anywhere new for the first time.
Just an update! I have bought a new Seiko watch from Amazon for £135 that is swimming proof & solar powered, a new idea for me, that I think will do because it is also has a gold/ silver coloured bracelet so will coordinate with other jewellery. I have found Seiko to be reliable so I am happy to stay with that make & also have two Betty Barclay fun watches from Amazon in white & blue that I am wearing until my new Seiko arrives. :grin:
Purchases are such individual things. Our watches are worth more than our car, but then again, that would not be difficult to do. I've probably got a couple of handbags that are also worth more than our car and our computer/ipad/iphones are all DEFINITELY worth wore than the car. It will all change of course the moment we ever buy a new car but who cares? :grin:

Ballerina x :heart:
Fifteen years ago I bought a £7,000 Rolex when I was single and had no responsibilities. I have worn it every day since, it still looks amazing and is timeless. My father wears his own rolex and has his fathers, that is now 50 years old and still keeps time!

If you can afford it without borrowing and you have no other debts and you don't have any dependents that money could benefit and your pension is funded then why not? If you do though buy a brand that has stood the test of time and holds its value well.
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