Last week I weighed in on Thurs as usual - 63.5kg which was a gain so disappointing but it's really hard to lose now. Had a carby day or so over the weekend (but not, I suspect, by a lot of people's standards) - felt like an enormous balloon waiting to pop (urgh) fingers like sausages, puffy ankles, sore boobs (sorry) the day after and since. Got weighed Sunday evening - 66.9 kg. A gain of 3.4 kg in 3 days. Am not writing this to have a moan - it is what it is - I saw my GP this morning for something I thought might be related (pain from a disc prolapse in my neck) but she thought it was a combination of the menopause and the carbs and not to do with the pain. So - why am I putting this in a post? Don't really need sympathy but I do think this has been a DOWNSIDE of low carb eating - there is a 'spectacular' (the GP's words, not mine) amount of water retention in my case when falling off the wagon, which combined with the menopause (ye gods) causes me to think 'sod it' and think 'what's the point?'. The gain has been so much this week that I seriously started to wonder whether I had kidney problems or something (nope). It is quite depressing though - at my lowest I was 62.1 and then to get to 66.9. Gahhhhhh.....
Low carbers beware.
Low carbers beware.