The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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Been to boots and after sat, mon and thurs fasts this week I've stayed exactly the same weight.
I am totally and utterly gutted! I wondered why I even bothered to stick to my fast yesterday :confused:
I've been counting cals on in between days too.
I've not been exercising.
I've been extremely stressed and upset this week.
Hubby was really good and was coming up with water retention and TOTM etc.
I said that I knew as soon as I posted this @sue.q would be along to ask about measuring. I admitted to OH that I had measured my waist a couple of weeks ago, but that I was to embarrassed to put it in. He told me to put in in and he measured me..........
I've list 3" :shock: :grin: :razz: yay!
Woohoo!! That's fab . Karen!! I only lost 0.7kgs last month but I lost 6&1/2 cms from here and there so measuring is a great idea.
I hesitate to say "we told you so" but...

Well done. See it is working. :like:

If you haven't already, please read: why the scales don't tell the truth
Don't give up - we are in this together and must cope with the ups and downs that our body deal us.
Thankyou @carorees, I notice the stress effect mentioned. I can't deny I've had a bit of that recently and will continue to have a stressful life until September!
As well as the adaptations, there's a meeting on Monday to decide whether Ka can attend our chosen respite centre as the council is closing her current one.
Ka is having surgery on 31 July and we'll be in derriford for a few days (her VNS has to be turned off for the 4 hour surgery so I'm concerned about her seizures being worse)
In the summer she should be transitioning to whichever new respite centre and attending lots of summer activities, but due to her surgery this isn't possible.
I need to stop worrying about all of the 'what ifs' and deal with stuff on a day by day basis (but this is much easier said than done!)
Ka is 13 on 10august. Considering we were told she'd not reach 2, this is a huge milestone. We are planning on having a birthday tea at home for her sisters and the inlaws. (I may need a cleaner to help get ready for that one, do cleaners tidy up as well as clean :wink: )
Right! I'm off to do a bit of sewing
Have a good day 5:2ers xxx :heart: xxx
Oh that's good news!
It's fascinating how measurements can change when the scales don't, but they do!
Told you so @Karenm :like: :like:
Strange one that is Karen but that where it sometimes shows up first, personally I couldn't care less what the scales say but that seems to be our first obsession, Providing the clothes sizes keep going down
that's fine by me. Well done :clover: :clover: :clover:
That's great Karenm. Delighted you're shrinking.

Sorry to hear about your worries. It's almost impossible to stop ourselves from worrying particularly when it comes to those we love.
Hope everything goes well for ka. Sending u best wishes :heart:
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