Been to boots and after sat, mon and thurs fasts this week I've stayed exactly the same weight.
I am totally and utterly gutted! I wondered why I even bothered to stick to my fast yesterday
I've been counting cals on in between days too.
I've not been exercising.
I've been extremely stressed and upset this week.
Hubby was really good and was coming up with water retention and TOTM etc.
I said that I knew as soon as I posted this @sue.q would be along to ask about measuring. I admitted to OH that I had measured my waist a couple of weeks ago, but that I was to embarrassed to put it in. He told me to put in in and he measured me..........
I've list 3"
I am totally and utterly gutted! I wondered why I even bothered to stick to my fast yesterday

I've been counting cals on in between days too.
I've not been exercising.
I've been extremely stressed and upset this week.
Hubby was really good and was coming up with water retention and TOTM etc.
I said that I knew as soon as I posted this @sue.q would be along to ask about measuring. I admitted to OH that I had measured my waist a couple of weeks ago, but that I was to embarrassed to put it in. He told me to put in in and he measured me..........
I've list 3"