Just thought I’d give an update after all of the lovely support that you all gave me last week
I saw a female doctor yesterday, and she told me about another doctor that she suggested I see from now on who specialises in eating issues and depression who apparently is lovely and has helped a lot of people with problems like mine. He only works at my surgery two days a week, so in future I’ll ask to see him on one of those days – I next have to see him for my prescription of citalopram as I haven’t had it from that surgery before.
In the meantime the doctor that I spoke to was really helpful. She took my weight and waist measurement, height, blood pressure etc. and assured me that I have a healthy bmi so no need to worry, but that she understands as a woman that we’re never happy with what we’ve got! I explained my episode last week and about being on the 5:2 which she said she’d heard only good things about, but that it can be a trigger for people with a past difficulty with eating. She said that I could stop 5:2 but that isn’t my only option because she did think I seemed to have moved on a lot from her reading my files from a year ago, and that the reason for my doing what I did wasn’t necessarily 5:2 itself, much more likely the sudden coming off my tablets. She gave me a telling off about trying to stop my medication cold turkey, and said that she thinks that I should either stop fasting until it is fully back in my system which can take anywhere between 4-6 weeks, or at the very most ease myself into doing just 1 fast a week and see how I feel about things when I next get my prescription.
So in a nutshell, I’m just going to do one fast a week until I see the doctor that she recommended and keep on with my medication – no point stopping that if it makes me feel better. I’m also a bit more open to the idea of group therapy should the recommended doctor suggest it.
I’m feeling much better and thanks so much to all of you for your advice and personal experiences