The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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Lost a stone last year, put half back on and have fasted for 7 weeks without any weight
Lose ! I run over 20 miles a week !
Sounds obvious to say but could it be that you are fitter and more muscular??

Alex xx
Hi @gemmab40 and welcome to FastDay!

It is not unknown for people to lose inches but see no change in weight with intermittent fasting. Have you measured yourself?

Please also see the following articles which explain why the scales are not very reliable and also what to do if you are not losing weight.
Why am I not losing weight?
Why the scales don't tell the truth

If you would like more specific advice from forum members, perhaps you could tell us a bit more about yourself and how you eat on fast days and non-fasts days, your current BMI, goals, and so on.

I'm sure we can help...
Are you eating enough on your non-fast days. With all the running, it's important that you eat enough! Sounds crazy I know, but give it a try.
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