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Delighted or Disappointed?

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I will be celebrating my second fastiversary this Thursday, but as I will start my holiday tomorrow, here is the report of the second year of fasting. So what’s new? Just reread the story of the first year to refresh my memory and must conclude: Not much really, which is good news as the first year ended on a high. In case you did not read the first year story, feel free to read it in the original post. Fasting is as effective as it has been the first year. No need to tweak or experiment, as old school fasting is both very doable to me and is working well. I still love the way it enables me to keep on track, only fasting when needed to keep within the maintenance range and no fuss whatsoever in terms of food choice. I just follow my original routine of three small meals on a fast day. It might seem like a bit boring to you, and maybe it is, but little makes life more easy than a pleasurable routine that you are comfortable with. You might see it as lack of excitement and ambition, I would prefer to call it Zen. :cool:

Had a minor operation end of October, and a period without any exercise first resulted in weight being at my lower limit without fasting. Took me a few days to realise it was the loss of muscle that was responsible for that. Restarting training and regular cycling to work first resulted in some weight gain because of increasing muscle weight (must have taken on some fat that was masked by the loss of muscle). Even saw a few numbers on the scales above my upper limit, but never on an official weekly weight day (Tuesday for me). From April trough June I did 6:1, so one fast day traditional style a week. It took me back to my lower limit again. So I am looking forward to holidays with confidence (we also like to cycle on holidays, so even without fasting, I do not expect much damage). Blood pressure is still very fine and other blood values will be measured again this August (I will keep you posted in my maintenance topic).

On the forum: must say that I really still feel as being a ‘faster for life’. And it feels good. The forum still feels as a community of which I consider myself to be a happy member. I also reread all the reactions on my previous report and they are still heart-warming. It’s nice to see so many of you still hanging around. I must confess I definitively feel like one of the lucky ones when I compare my situation to that of those for whom this way of life is much more of a struggle (although I would say that there is a nice number of you who seem to be getting along pretty well in maintenance). Just remember that although you might be struggling, chances are high that you health situation is quite a bit better with, than without fasting. Sharing this experience with all of us has definitively a value of its own. Looking forward to another year of fasting and many more to come! :like:
Congratulations and well done. It's lovely to read a success story.
Always nice to hear from people who are doing well further down the road.
Lovely to hear from someone for whom the basic 5:2 concept worked and continues to work. :) Can I assume that you have no food restrictions, no eating windows needed, no calorie counting, no weighing and measuring foods? If so, sounds ideal! Best wishes and thanks for your continued contributions to the forum, especially in the maintenance tent. :)
Yes @Sassy1 that's exactly how I do it, and it is indeed why it is sustainable for me. Only thing to add is that I have some regular exercise with it: cycling to work, 20 minutes, and some jogging in summer and speedskating in winter. Today is the actual day of my fastiversary and I am celebrating in style on holiday: nice food and a wonderful cycling tour on a glorious summerday. :cool: :sun: :cake: :island:
Sounds fantastic - hope you had a great day! :)
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