Thanks, @Ballerina, I don't have a problem with bread, luckily, especially as my husband bakes ours from wheat grown in the fields which surround our house. It must be miserable for you, liking a food which you are unable to eat!
Bread, new potatoes, roast potatoes (in moderation) biscuits, cakes, puddings, occasional chocolate and/or sweets, crisps etc all have a place in my WOE. I know that I couldn't sustain this over the long term if I tried to cut them out of my life completely. I have tried that route too many times in the past, only to pile the weight back on. I'm so pleased to have found a WOE which doesn't make me feel resentful, deprived and just waiting for the end of the 'diet', so that I can go back to eating 'normally'!
I am still trying to decide on my holiday eating strategy. Eat like the 'new' me, eat like the 'old' me, or eat like a slim person? I think that I am going to have to decide on a meal by meal basis because wall to wall food is such a temptation!
Good luck to all of those who will be facing temptation on their forthcoming holidays! Enjoy!