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Re: Holidays are BAD!
15 Jun 2014, 09:43
Yikes :bugeyes: I'm going on holiday for a week in two weeks. Holds breath…

Seriously though, @nursebean, you have the knowledge and power to blast that holiday gain to smithereens. Power to you girl! :clover:
Re: Holidays are BAD!
15 Jun 2014, 09:45
:grin: At last someone like me......not just a pound or three having been away- but I am normal after all :?: All your lovellely friends supporting and watching over you are talking sense and I'm gonna heed every word. In fact my last break away being a whole week instead of three days resulted in too much to keep reminding myself with so I've been trying ADF opposed to 5:2 and whilst its still going (oh so slowly :frown: )it is going and I'm not gonna beat myself up with or without that wet fish :lol:
Good Luck with losing the holiday extras but hang on to those memories- family time is precious. :heart:
PS my opening line wasn't intended to seem that I am relishing in your misfortune of holiday weight gain, but reading your blog and the replies you have received helped lighten my feelings of guilt and frustration over my weight gain.(From my own records I can put on 3-5lbs at some point each alternate month as I am either away for a long weekend at my daughters in plymouth or away with OH which looking at the calender will be doing both in July :shock: :dazed: :cool:
Re: Holidays are BAD!
15 Jun 2014, 10:02
Welcome back, @nursebean! I'm really glad that you had a good holiday. As the others have said, it's not a real fat gain just mostly retained fluid because you probably ate far more carbs than usual, which then help your body to retain fluid. (Not that I'm anti-carbs - far from it. Sometimes I think that I am the only person on this forum who eats and enjoys my carbs!) Once you're back on the ADF, which you do so well on, you'll see that 'recent' weight disappear quickly.

I'm away for two weeks , starting next Sunday, so heaven knows what the scales will say when I return. Last year a similar holiday saw me regain eight and a half pounds and that was gone in three weeks, just on 5:2. So you see it can be done but you just have to be mindful on the non-fast days, too.

Good luck with your weight loss challenge! :clover: I'll be joining you on my return! :cry:
Re: Holidays are BAD!
15 Jun 2014, 10:09
Hi@stowgateresident you are not alone in your carb loving, I ADORE bread but it gives me horrendous heartburn and I'm not that into pain, honest. We are having lovely new potatoes later with our roast chicken so you see you are in good company :grin:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Holidays are BAD!
15 Jun 2014, 10:49
Thanks, @Ballerina, I don't have a problem with bread, luckily, especially as my husband bakes ours from wheat grown in the fields which surround our house. It must be miserable for you, liking a food which you are unable to eat! :frown:

Bread, new potatoes, roast potatoes (in moderation) biscuits, cakes, puddings, occasional chocolate and/or sweets, crisps etc all have a place in my WOE. I know that I couldn't sustain this over the long term if I tried to cut them out of my life completely. I have tried that route too many times in the past, only to pile the weight back on. I'm so pleased to have found a WOE which doesn't make me feel resentful, deprived and just waiting for the end of the 'diet', so that I can go back to eating 'normally'!

I am still trying to decide on my holiday eating strategy. Eat like the 'new' me, eat like the 'old' me, or eat like a slim person? I think that I am going to have to decide on a meal by meal basis because wall to wall food is such a temptation!

Good luck to all of those who will be facing temptation on their forthcoming holidays! Enjoy! :smile:
Re: Holidays are BAD!
15 Jun 2014, 11:15
my name is janeg and I am a carb eater too.
I don't overdo it and have tried cutting it back in an effort to speed up the glacial loss. No difference.
And I enjoy them...
Re: Holidays are BAD!
15 Jun 2014, 13:46
@nursebean, you have my sympathy. I was away for two weeks in April and put on 6 pounds. I'm steadily getting back on track, and that's what you'll do too. Yes, it's slow, and yes, it's really irritating that those around you can eat more, but at least you know something that works to lose it, albeit very slowly.
And I wasn't sure if you meant you'd put on 11 pounds overall or 16, but one thing is for sure, at least some of those pounds are water!
Re: Holidays are BAD!
15 Jun 2014, 14:08
Welcome back, bean!
Re: Holidays are BAD!
15 Jun 2014, 15:06
I put on 3lb in just over week last week because of poor eating and carb overload (although it was lovely) I did 16:8 and one proper fast day with mindful eating every day this week except Friday. 2lb of it gone by this morning so I am back to target. Yes, it was all water and food in transit. My tummy feels a lot happier today. You have to get in the mindset that when you are on holiday or having celebratory times that it is ok to have a bit of an eating overload, then when that time is over it is time to man up and get back to it. Like Sue said, before this woe we would have just carried on eating and getting bigger.

Stowie....... I think you should do a bit of all of those behaviours as the fancy takes you.

Who remembers the phrase I coined last year? 'Fabulous fortnight' I remember someone despairing because they had had a fortnight of celebratory eating. We decided to give that time a name. I had forgotten about it but now that we are coming into holiday season I am going to pitch a fabulous fortnight tent to remind us that it is ok to let go a bit sometimes
Re: Holidays are BAD!
15 Jun 2014, 15:18
Fantastic idea @Wendy Darling - I have a fabulous week starting here :cool: :cool: :cool: :shock: :wink: with 2 meetups with friends and at least one outing with my Mum - and I had TOAST this morning :shock: :wink: @Ballerina
Re: Holidays are BAD!
15 Jun 2014, 17:19
Silverdarling wrote: Fantastic idea @Wendy Darling - I have a fabulous week starting here :cool: :cool: :cool: :shock: :wink: with 2 meetups with friends and at least one outing with my Mum - and I had TOAST this morning :shock: :wink: @Ballerina

Tsk,,tsk, you temptress you :shock: :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Holidays are BAD!
15 Jun 2014, 19:00
Just get straight back on the wagon Beanie, it will be gone before you know it I am sure :clover:

I'm a carb lover too. I've got back a lot on bread and pasta as I've been finding it doesn't agree with me. It never has but I've always ignored that in the past. These days I am much more in control and like Ballerina, if it hurts, I try to avoid it.
Re: Holidays are BAD!
15 Jun 2014, 19:54
At least you weighed yourself Bean. I'm back today and too scared to get on the scales....... ice cream every other day :confused: :curse:
Re: Holidays are BAD!
15 Jun 2014, 20:02
Welcome back nursebean. I always put on a ton of weight after a holiday. Thank God we know about this WOE so can make right in no time. You'll be back on track soon - its all good. :like:
Re: Holidays are BAD!
15 Jun 2014, 20:25
Oh hurrah, @nursebean is back! I've missed your posts but am very pleased you have had a lovely holiday.

Well, I have to say that I really sympathise with your pain at your gain (am I a poet??). I also think that holidays are for enjoying ourselves & having a spot of time off for good behaviour.

The difference is: fasting will sort everything out!

Bean, we all know you are committed to this WOL. You haven't fallen off any wagon, you have merely taken a holiday! As soon as you returned, you checked out the "damage" and were understandably really rather annoyed (I know there were stronger words than that!!). But, you are not throwing in the towel, because you know exactly what is required of you in the weeks ahead...and you will do it!

Your fellow fasters will be standing on the touch line cheering you chin up, because we know you will succeed. Let's not forget that we are all here playing the long game!

Best of luck to you!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
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