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Holidays are BAD!
14 Jun 2014, 08:05
Howdy everyone! I've just bean away for a fortnight's wonderful holiday in sunny Padstow, Cornwall...and this morning I weighed myself :(

The week before my holiday I was already in 'holiday mode' so I put on 5 pounds BEFORE I left for the beautiful Camel Estuary. Today I discovered that I've put in 11 pounds! My parents, who pretty much ate what I ate...put on nothing or just 2 pounds. Why do I put on so much...and so easily? It's just so unfair. Hopefully, it's all water and once I get back into my safe ADF pattern, it'll come off quickly (yeah right!). Mind you, it is hot now so maybe I won't be so hungry :wink:

So, anyway, my conclusion is that holidays and Bean is not a good combination

Bean :oops:
Re: Holidays are BAD!
14 Jun 2014, 08:08
So you,ve really just put on 6lb. Not bad considering. It's all in the attitude Beaneo. Just get back stuck in and it will probably come off again. You are no different to anyone else on here as regards holidays.
Re: Holidays are BAD!
14 Jun 2014, 08:12
I just get frustrated that I manage to put weight ON so easily...but coming OFF...oh no! 1 pound a month...doh!

Re: Holidays are BAD!
14 Jun 2014, 08:33
Come on Beanie Bobs, even you must know by now that you have not gained all that weight in fat? Most of it will be 'in transit' and most of the rest will be water so I would imagine at most you have no more than a couple of pounds of real gain to dump, and dump it you will. One really good fast under your belt, not a half hearted one mind, but a really good one and most of it will be gone. Chin up girl, you can do it,

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Holidays are BAD!
14 Jun 2014, 08:36
Everyone is talking sense Bean.
Don't want to bring out the wet fish...
Re: Holidays are BAD!
14 Jun 2014, 08:52
Don't despair! I put on the same recently after a 2 week holiday and most of it WAS water and disappeared quite fast. Completely depressing when you get on the scales I know but at least now you (and all of us) know that when you get back into it that weight will disappear. In the past that extra weight would just sit there, only to be added to. Hope you enjoyed the holiday though - that's what they're for!!!!
Re: Holidays are BAD!
14 Jun 2014, 09:04
What would I do without you guys?! Thanks for that. And Beanarilla @Ballerina it really should be chinS up at the moment! :shock:

I look forward to Tuesday morning after my first PROPER fast. 6 pounds off I'm sure

Bean :wink:
Re: Holidays are BAD!
14 Jun 2014, 09:33
You can also turn the argumentation around: fasting allows you to have really nice holidays without having to face the consequences (in the long run)
Re: Holidays are BAD!
14 Jun 2014, 09:48
Just as well I don't have holidays now! Mind you I gain weight at home if I don't fast!
Re: Holidays are BAD!
14 Jun 2014, 09:59
Hey nursy you may feel holidays are bad for you but they are surely better than they used to be
( Certainly for me deffo)
At least we got on the scales to see the damage done something I'd never even think of doing in my last life now we deal with it/ fasting one week at ADF will knock a hole in your gain and you'll feel far better for doing them@nursebean
Totally agree with @P-JK holidays are far better with this WOL to fall back onto.
P-JK wrote: You can also turn the argumentation around: fasting allows you to have really nice holidays without having to face the consequences (in the long run)
Re: Holidays are BAD!
14 Jun 2014, 10:05
Welcome back Beano!
Like everyone else, i am encouraging you to pony up,get back in the saddle,clippety clop and all will be well
I like @P-JKs take on it! :like:
Flippin parents tho..Meh! Don't they just make you sick! And i bet those dawgies didnt put on an ounce either hmphhh!
Glad you had a lovely holiday, Bean,good to have you back x
Re: Holidays are BAD!
14 Jun 2014, 10:12
So there you are Bean. Exposed on open ground, no cover and we're watching you. There is no escape ... And the wet fish is hovering :shock: :shock: :shock:

Don't look up. Don't look back. Don't look forward.
You're lucky enough to have had a good holiday with good food, good weather with your folks as company.

Just saddle up, trot on and get on with it. A woman's gotta do what a woman's gotta do ...

:shock: :cool: :shock: :cool: :shock: :cool: :wink:

PS soon the wet fish and its handler will be in this country so better get a move on :razz:
Re: Holidays are BAD!
14 Jun 2014, 11:31
Glad you had a lovely holiday Beanie, come on girl as everyone says get back in the saddle. I bet those pounds fall off you in no time.
Re: Holidays are BAD!
15 Jun 2014, 08:27
Hello my buddy. Glad you had a great holiday, would love a Cream tea, would also love a holiday in the UK not ruined by cold weather or washed out by rain.
With all that great ADF behind you it'll fall off in no time at all. You are theADF queen around these here parts. Looking forward to seeing your numbers plummet.
Re: Holidays are BAD!
15 Jun 2014, 09:09
Welcome home beanie, all of you! Knuckle down to a full on proper fast or three and all will be well.
Mind you, I've gone up to 11st 7lbs which is truly shocking, and no fab holiday to show for it :0@
We can do this compadre, yes we can :geek:
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