The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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WTG! I'm in some suits I have not been able to wear for years. But then, I've not been able to wear some, either: 5-2-diet-chat-f6/topic6491.html
Ha Ha Ha simcoeluv well done and very true :like: :like: :like:
And your signature is SO True :clover: Sue
I am thoroughly enjoying my wardrobe as it is winter here and I like fine knits. So they tend to be forgiving and still look ok. The trousers are a different story but hey roll over the waist or tighten the belt and they don't fall down at least and the longer knits tunic tops cover their baggy bums.

I also find Pennyforthem using leggin jeggin style with longer tops and ankle boots are working. I have rediscovered skirts and with tights which match my scarves, my knits and my boots, I can go anywhere. Enjoy I think and there are lots of sales and preloved if budgets tight to reproduce a whole new wardrobe.
Congratulations!! Isn't it so exciting to be able to fit into those clothes. I have found the same new/old wardrobe as you. Shirts that have not fit, or were too uncomfortable, now fit nicely.

I LOVE this WOL. It has given us a new lease on life. :like:
I want to say these seven words too! Would be soooo nice to beable to wear everything thats hanging there,or stuffed in drawers,much of it not seen the light of day for a good long while.
Well i better get my finger out then! :?:
There was a time when the only thing I could get into was the wardrobe itself so it's nice to be able to get into some of its contents now! :shock:

Ballerina x :heart:
Ballerina wrote: There was a time when the only thing I could get into was the wardrobe itself so it's nice to be able to get into some of its contents now! :shock:

Hilarious !!!

When swopping my winter wardrobe over to summer the other weekend, I came across 3 pairs of favourite size 10 jeans from many many (many) years ago & was so pleased that they fit me beautifully. However they actually only fit me for one day, on day 2 they're baggy :cry:
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