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Delighted or Disappointed?

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I had been used to wearing only about 10% of my closet as I knew I had gained weight that made the majority of my clothes uncomfortable. But I have now lost enough weight where I can literally wear anything now and it is like I have a new/old wardrobe :like: What a great feeling to put outfits together that 6 months ago were not possible and I can breathe easy without feeling uncomfortable in what I am wearing because it was way too tight :razz: Hang in there friends because this is wonderful :cool:
Well done

The closet achievements always seem even more exciting than those shown on the scales.

I've gone the other way, spent 10 years not buying size 20 and managing with practically one pair of trouswers then thought sod it, bought lots of clothes and now they're falling off.

All good tho and not complaining! :-)
Well done you !!! It's a great feeling yes it is :heart: :heart:
I can also now wear all mine in my wardrobe :like: because I've had to buy all new stuff :oops: Lol Good Luck and enjoy your ''new'' clothes
:clover: Sue
I just passed on some slacks to someone who is right behind me on 5:2 to get them thru their next weight loss. Have more room in my closet to buy more but want to wait until I'm down a little more...woohoo!
I'm the same way! I lost 30 pounds before joining and 20 more and its awesome. Most of my clothes did not fit and it was awful. I go to those clothes now and they are too big and some
Fit! I want an excuse to wear them now. My daily life I don't get to dress up. Good for you! I was even upset about never getting to wear some jeans!
Me too. I wore the same pair of Capri pants all summer because nothing else fitted. Now I have a choice of clothes, yay!!
It's such a good feeling! Congrats!
Most of my clothes just look better still except my pants- I look like I'm wearing jodhpurs!
Wondering about trying to take some in to make do until the next 6kg comes off.
It will be better in summer- thank goodness all the soft falling pants are still in fashion.
Well done D.wait till they are too big and have to go.

I have two big bags ready for the charity shop and another to pass on to a friend. Yes Alison, I know how it feels not wearing some of those clothes but someone else will have that pleasure so not all lost, only the weight and inches of my body. :grin: :grin: :grin:

Here's to those new, fashionable clothes in the wardrobe.
I know how you feel, I was down to 1 pair of jeans that I could JUST squeeze into & I'd hidden a vast number of clothes (didn't want OH to know that I couldn't wear them!) & now EVERYTHING fits, apart from the things that are too big :lol:

I've even been wearing dresses & shorts this year :shock:
It's been years since I did that!
Dsmith30 wrote: I had been used to wearing only about 10% of my closet as I knew I had gained weight that made the majority of my clothes uncomfortable. But I have now lost enough weight where I can literally wear anything now and it is like I have a new/old wardrobe :like: What a great feeling to put outfits together that 6 months ago were not possible and I can breathe easy without feeling uncomfortable in what I am wearing because it was way too tight :razz: Hang in there friends because this is wonderful :cool:

It's a great feeling isn't it :smile:
I just regret some off the good stuff I've given to the charity shops in the past, that I'd now easily get into....oh well, it's all for a good cause, I suppose :dance:
Hi Lynn0 I don't actually feel that way I got rid of loads before I found this WOL and I've altered some tunic tops to fit did have 3/4 in wardrobe that didn't fit which now of course they do :heart: :heart:
Then decided to get rid of everything as it was hanging of me, bought a few choice item and took the bags to 2 different charity shops locally while I was in one bought 3 more tops from them 2 of which had labels still on them ( why do us ladies do that ? ) Not spent to much on my clothes this time because they can all go to charity!!!
But always deliver my self because I don't trust these people who put bags through your doors quite often, we sometime get 3 per week.
Therefore we can all treat ourselves to more ''modern'' clothing for our wardrobes, and in my case smaller because of the amount that was in my house ( never again am I going to keep buying and not wearing )
Because after all this hard work. We are Worth it
Happy shopping :clover: Sue
Well done to everyone!!!!!!!! I have 2bags of overly big clothes too and have left myself with nothing to wear to a special retirement its treat time for me I think. I am so excited at the impending shopping trip but not the bill at the end of it. Keep up the good work everyone its motivating for all :-):-):-):-)
This is just the best! I'm the kind of person who hung on to those smaller (lots smaller) sizes "intending to lose weight." Many of them went through several "in and out of fashion" cycles. :oops: But now, it's all good. I either wear them or get rid of them and buy new. :lol:
Another one here for the what goes around, comes round school of thought!
And yes, I have one pair of 3/4 length trews which fit me - but they're white! :confused:
I do a lot of washing.

I've been through most of the clothes that I'd kept 'in hopes'- and sent them to charity!

In October, I'll have to buy more - I can't wear white 3/4 denim trews and T shirts in the winter, can I?
I just hope I'll like the 'fashions' this winter, as, in previous years, everything has been hateful!

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