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Delighted or Disappointed?

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Hi friends,
My chubby fingers haven't fit in to my diamond engagement and wedding ring for probably 7 years since I put on weight. ( I've been so happily marries for 23 years) I thought I deserved to wear a wedding ring so I went to cash converters and paid $70 for a gold ring that fit. Well, it got loose and I lost it in Aldi around 4 months ago. ( ( a sweet little girl found it for me at aldi). So now i can delightedly say that I can wear my diamond engagement and wedding ring that I have been unable to wear for so long!! Yay!!! A little part of me was thinking " well you can't wear them if its really hot and humid- 11 KGS from goal) but then I thought " bugger it, by the Aussie summer I should be close to goal and the rings will fit even better!! :like: :victory:
Xxx julianna
Congrats You should be proud of yourself. :)
Congratulations- that's quite a milestone! Onwards and downwards!
That's great julianna, well done you!
Wow, what speedy replies Phil, stowgateresident and callyanna! Thank you for your lovely replies! And yes this is a HUGE milestone for me. I felt so embarrassed and unfeminine when I couldn't wear the rings that means so much so much to me. But I love my husband so much that's why I got a temporary ring . what a joy to be able to wear the original ones. I knew you guys would get the significance.
That's wonderful news Julianna :like: :heart:
Well,I have so say that this one of the loveliest outcomes of losing weight so far. You must be thrilled, well done on every level

Ballerina x :heart:
Congratulations! what a great feeling!
Oh @Julianna how exciting is that?! Well done indeed!

By the way, wheres your avatar?

Bean :confused:
Thanks @nursebean!! My avatar disappeared about 3 weeks ago before the change over. When things have settled down I'll ask Moogie to replace it as I am hopeless with computers and avatars. Xx
Congrats Julianna! That is a huge victory.
Yeah yeah yeah! @Julianna. I know what you mean about feeling funny when not wearing your rings. I managed to flush my 5 rings down the loo at Christmas. Engagement, wedding and 3 birthstone solitaires for the kids. I get upset about it daily. :cry: I found a little ring that an ex got me when I was 21 and was wearing that until last week. I have had to move it to my middle finger as it was falling off my ring finger. Now I'm back to feeling naked. Annoying thing is that the rings were on our home insurance for 8 years. When we looked into claiming it turns out that our insurance would have gone up by so much over the following few years that it was not worth claiming :pissedoff:
julianna wrote: Wow, what a milestone for me. I felt so embarrassed and unfeminine when I couldn't wear the rings that means so much so much to me. But I love my husband so much that's why I got a temporary ring . what a joy to be able to wear the original ones. I knew you guys would get the significance.

Great news @Julianna Must be a wonderful feeling to receive that as an extra booster, I would also feel
" undressed " without both my rings, strangely enough my fingers are about the only parts of my body that didn't swell up with all my excess weight. :clover: :clover:
I can so relate to how excited you must be feeling as that is a personal goal of mine too.
Nearly 5 years ago, for our 10th wedding anniversary, my husband who is not normally prone to traditional romantic gestures, bought me a magnificent eternity ring. He had it sized to my wedding and engagment rings and had them cleaned and polished. They were tight at the time but I forced them on and proudly showed them off at the big surprise party he had arranged. As the night wore on I could feel them throbbing a bit but after plenty of vino , music and dance I distracted myself. I woke up a t 4 in the morning with a throbbing pain and at this stage my finger was purple. It was a terrifying experience as I really thought I was going to lose a finger that night. Evendtually after my husband scoured the internet for tricks to remove them we got them off. So now with the fear of such a thing ever happening again i need, not just for the rings to fit, but to be loose. Every now and then I take the box out and look at them all beautiful and sparkly and pray that I'll get to wear them again.

So I can imagine the joy you must feel looking down at your left hand.
So congrats, congrats, congrats. Its wonderful for you.
Sometimes its the small personal things that bring true joy to us (that said going down a size or two is pretty awesome too :lol: )
So happy for you :smile: :smile: :smile: :heart: :heart: :heart:
You are so right @Emerald17 , these rings fitting mean so much more to me than going down a clothes size.. Kindred spirits!!!
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