The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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It is a great feeling-I had my wedding ring enlarged-but not my engagement ring. I have recently been able to wear the engagement ring again and when I am certain my weight has settled down I will probably get them both made smaller ,along with my watch strap.
Wow @julianna that's such lovely news, well done you :like: xxxx
How lovely it must be wonderful for you and your darling @julianna
Aw how lovely you must keep looking at them and smiling :grin: well done xx
Oh julianna thats so touching! I totally get,and i feel everyone else does on here,how significant this is to you,and that it gives you much more joy like you said than dropping a dress size. I bet you feel like the real "Mrs Wife" again now with the rings back where they belong!
@scubachick thats so sad ....
And @Emerald17 i love eternity rings! You have all the incentive you need to get all your three rings back on yr finger! X
Thanks Candicemarie. It's definitely one of my goals :smile:
Fantastic Julianna :grin: I'm not a terribly sentimental person but my wedding and engagement rings are very important to me. Years ago I lost to diamond out of my engagement ring, I was surprised how upset I was. Wonderful hubby replaced it so all is good now. Oh and he got a diamond that's a bit bigger, not that I wanted a bigger one but it's nice he wanted to do this.
Woohoo!! Julianna - that must be a tremendous feeling.


Maggie :smile:
Ah @julianna, not only is that a great result but a little romantic as well. :cute:
Thanks @chinchin, we are very lucky. Still madly in love after 28 years together. :heart:
I love your user name. My heritage is Slovenian and when we raise a drink to toast we say " chin chin" and clink glasses. :drink:
Congratulations @Julianna, you must be over the moon. :grin:
And @Scubachickthats just too sad for words. :frown:
Oh @scubachick I am so sad for the loss of your rings. My heart goes out to you. Big hugs!!!
Xxx julianna
Well done Julianna. It's those many little things that reinforce the reason we endure and even enjoythe challenges we set ourselves on fasting days or fasting windows.
What a lovely post! Congratulations Julianna :like:

I've personally gone from barely being able to wear my wedding and engagement rings (and definitely not together) a few years ago because they were too tight, to having them made smaller. That's a nice feeling :smile: Especially since I'm not as light as I was when I got married, by about half a stone! I guess maybe our fingers lose fat with age if we are not overweight :?:
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