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Re: I'm feeling soooo good!
29 Apr 2014, 12:15
Thank you for writing your story Hazelnut it is very inspiring.
Well done and a big Woo Hoo
Now where are those photos??
Re: I'm feeling soooo good!
29 Apr 2014, 12:29
Hazelnut well done you. Although I haven't gone the yo-yo diet route I do think you are right when you say you work out whether or not you want the food now with this way of eating much more aware about what is going into my body.
Re: I'm feeling soooo good!
29 Apr 2014, 12:33
@Hazelnut 20 Absolutely brilliant and truly inspirational midway journey report well done you :heart:
Thank you so much for sharing your so far story you've done an amazing job be very very proud of yourself you're now receiving all those wonderful comments
and looks enjoy all.
Love this WOL and all the little extra surprises it brings to us especially the changing shape, no-way will we regain all of our weight hazelnut because this time it's so very different because this is "For Life" :heart: deffo, you'll look even better for those graduation photographs enjoy. :clover: :clover: :clover:
Re: I'm feeling soooo good!
29 Apr 2014, 12:57
More congratulations!!! Truely inspiring! I am only just starting out but have managed to sit with my colleagues at lunch drinking only herbal tea yesterday (fast day) while they partake of sandwiches, chocolate, crisps, etc. and had some soup today as I enjoy just feeling less full and bloated. Keep it up!
Re: I'm feeling soooo good!
29 Apr 2014, 12:59
What a wonderful read and I too say, from a former camera shy person....."where are the photos!"
Re: I'm feeling soooo good!
29 Apr 2014, 13:38
What a lovely story, you must have felt a million dollars :victory:
I'm sure you will do your self proud at your daughters graduation well done x
Re: I'm feeling soooo good!
29 Apr 2014, 13:48
Well done and good luck as you continue :)
Re: I'm feeling soooo good!
29 Apr 2014, 18:40
Brilliant post Hazelnut20. Congratulations on your achievements (and for those on their way).
Re: I'm feeling soooo good!
29 Apr 2014, 18:44
Such an inspirational post Hazelnut - congratulations on what you've achieved! I'm so very happy for you! :smile: :clover: :heart:
Re: I'm feeling soooo good!
29 Apr 2014, 18:56
Hi @Hazelnut20 - a very big SUPER CONGRATULATIONS - that is a lovely story told so beautifully.

I need to take a leaf out of your book.

Maggie. :smile: :smile:
Re: I'm feeling soooo good!
29 Apr 2014, 19:38
Debs wrote: Hazelnut, knowing your story from the mountaineering tent, I have to say that is one of the most positive and powerful posts I have seen on this forum. To hear you shine through in this post is amazing.
We MUST have photos, so us, and you, can marvel at how far you have come!!

Agree absolutely with Debs! Well done and look forward to seeing photos at some time soon! :victory: :cool: :victory:
Re: I'm feeling soooo good!
29 Apr 2014, 20:22
You made me just the smallest bit teary, :cry: so beautifully put and heartfelt, I was truly moved and that's not an easy task, believe me. Roll on those graduation photographs :like:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: I'm feeling soooo good!
29 Apr 2014, 21:09
What a wonderful story, which you have told so well. Congratulations, and all the best for continued success. It is wonderful to find a way of being gently in control,without rigidity or obsessiveness, isn't it? I hope that you are able to take delight in your achievements.
Re: I'm feeling soooo good!
29 Apr 2014, 21:42
What a fantastically inspirational post. Honestly you have so well said so many sentiments around here

this is particularly true

"the amazing thing about 5:2 is that it weaves it's magic on you quite quickly. Suddenly, I was weighing up whether it was "worth" eating a particular food! The "have it tomorrow if you really want it" principle was so strong....and as we all know, by the time tomorrow comes, you might not want it anyway!

I also became strangely evangelical....spreading the 5:2 word wherever I went. I have mixed and matched 5:2 with 4:3 & 16:8 and of course, I love the total flexibility that this WoE gives you to live your life

exactly.. unlike normal calorie restriction diets as we are allowed to be a foodie 4 or 5 days a week we still can enjoy food and when we do restrict we really appreciate whats on our plate or in our mouths.

the evangelical thing... wow you'd think 5:2 was some kind of soul salvation and it will take you straight to heaven in the next life the way i talk about it to friends, family, strangers in shops, clients, workers.. you name it.

well done to you!
Re: I'm feeling soooo good!
29 Apr 2014, 21:45
Oh my goodness, that was a fabulously written post. So much of it resonated with me and I too got teary reading it. Thanks so much for sharing. Wishing yoy many happy easy fast days and many many more days of enjoying life.
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