The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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I went to Evans today to buy some new trousers as my size 22 jeans even with a belt to it's tightest were starting to fall off and I came away with a pair of size 18 trousers. I appear to have jumped two sizes!! :smile: I got talking to the lady on the checkout and ended up writing the forum address down for her too.
:heart: Well done @Brand-ie That's brilliant not just one but 2 size drop grinning you should be because at this rate it won't be to long before you cross Evans of your list completely this is such a great feeling. :heart: Sue
Nice work, you must have been so chuffed!!!
Well done! Two sizes down is a big jump! X
I think I can see your smile from here :grin: That's fantastic you must feel great.
That's so wonderful! I'm so happy for you. Yay!!!!! :victory:
Well done. That's something to be proud of. You'll be shopping at Gap soon!
Congratulations! Nothing like that Yay! feeling :)
That's not a jump that's a DIVE! In fact I think we could call it a double-flip dive!

Here's to a lot more diving :clover: :clover:
I am really pleased for you Brand-ie.

This is just the start!! 16's next. :grin: :star: :star:

We'll done that gal. Did you go to Newmarket road?
Im a sucker for Dorothy Perkins next door.
Absolutely brilliant work :like:
well done Brand-ie! Wear your new trousers with pride!
Oh how exciting @Brand-ie that is just fantastic. Plus you promoted our little forum...Well done INDEED!

Bean :starving: :grin:
Double wow from me too! Just think, in anther double drop, you'll be a size 14!!
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