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@carieoatesYes we went to Newmarket road. The one in Bury st Edmunds has closed so that's my nearest one now. I also did the hobby shop as well. We had a McDonalds on the way home but I had a chicken sandwich no mayo and a diet coke so it wasn't too bad.

Congratulations Brand-ie - well done and thanks for sharing your delight

Don't get too fond of those size 18's; you'll be out of them before you know it!

Well done it's a fantastic feeling isn't it?

Congrats!! What an accomplishment! I love checking in here and reading things like this -- it keeps me going, especially if I am having a tough fast day!

Congrats hun!!! Such an exciting feeling. I was really proud of myself this week too, for the first time ever, I managed to fit into a pair of jeans from Gap! I'm so loving this WOL

Congratulations, it must have been such a good feeling to get below the size 20's.

Oh well done you! That is fantastic & such a lovely feeling - thank you for sharing, as it is so inspirational.

What a great feeling!! Congratulations!!

Brilliant! Love that feeling.
thanx for sharing. its a real motivator posts like yours Brand-ie
thanx for sharing. its a real motivator posts like yours Brand-ie

Grinning like a Cheshire cat because you're slowly disappearing...hopefully leaving the grin and enough body for some size 10s!
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