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Delighted or Disappointed?

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Hello, ive had a great experience with the 52diet but unfortunately ive recently had some problems. I started the diet in april 13 and continued till about september. I lost about 21 kgs and my weight was down to 94kgs. also, my waist was down to 36.5 inches. But then, i left the diet because I started office and i started eating regularly. I didnt lose any weight but my weight stayed around 94 to 95 till about February this year. But then, I had my exams coming up and I switched to junk eating and left all the healthy stuff :( I gained about 5 kgs and now im 100. So now, ive started the diet again and its 4:3 instead of 5:2 like i previously did but this time ive also started walking for about 30 minutes daily. Now, i dont really remember what exactly I did when I was doing the diet back then. We can eat some junk once in a while right? On my fasting days I eat about 1600 to 1800 cals and my tdee is over 2000 but i did it the same way back then so i dont think starvation mode applies to me ;) please share if you've had such a problem of gaining some weight back and Id appreciate if you could give me some tips if the diet has changed slightly over the year ? :p
Maintaining weight loss is the most difficult part of the journey. Even with constant monitoring and a lot of fasting, I've stayed above my goal weight since Xmas. Not by a huge amount, but still. A lot of people here maintain successfully, though, using a variety of methods.

As for changes in the diet, I don't think there have been any, but people here continue to tweak it to find what works best for them.
Welcome back @onoono Nothing has changed you still get your 600 cals on anything you want over however many meals you can/want to stretch that to.
Good luck with your restart there is a tent for members returning to this WOL check yourself in there. :clover: :clover:
Oh dear that's such a shame. I feel for you I really do. Let's hope you jump back in and get rid of those pesky pounds pronto.
I'm not at maintenance yet. But I believe that 16.8 helps with this when you do get back there.
Good luck.
Welcome back! You know you can do it.

I think that maintenance is the trick. Some people fast one day a week for maintenance. Some do 16:8 (basically just skipping breakfast).

good luck!
5:2 or 4:3 rules havent changed since they started back in August 2012. It if aint broke dont fix it i say. Some have discovered eating windows as an alternative way of fasting as it seems to fit better in their lifestyle or they just get better results, but your previous results should be able to be returned if you go back to 1/4 TDE for 2 days, or better, 3 days for extra momentum.

all the best
Ok so its been 2 weeks and ive been doing 4:3 and walking for about 25 minutes daily and haven't lost a single pound :(
Have you measured yourself? Also remember that your weight can vary by up to 4 lbs on any day at what appears to be random. If today happens to be a heavy day it could look like you've not lost weight but you have.

Please read why the scales don't tell the truth
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