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My Fastiversary!
15 Apr 2014, 09:02
Well would you believe it! A whole year since I started this WOE, I'm still in shock myself :wink: I never stick to anything! :oops:

I cannot believe the difference a year has made, I'm lighter than I have been for more than 20 years and I'm fitter than I've ever been! I must also add a huge thank you to the forum as a whole, it's always been so supportive of the highs and lows of us all, so thanks to all the admins and all the members! :high5:
Re: My Fastiversary!
15 Apr 2014, 09:05
You have done amazingly well on this WOL Chickvic and just wanted to congratulate you once again on your transformation. Any latest pics to show us please? xx
Re: My Fastiversary!
15 Apr 2014, 09:06
What a great feeling, well done. I also have never stuck to anything before, everything was just too difficult but, this is bliss. I have been maintaining at under my target weight now for over a year, I still sometimes find it hard to believe it has really happened. Congratulations.....

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: My Fastiversary!
15 Apr 2014, 09:11
Huge congrats @chickvic :victory:! 55kg???!!! :cool: That is such a huge amount to have lost...I bet you look fantastic. Now, where are those pics?

OK forumites, lets get a chant going: What do we want? We want pics! When do we want them? We want them now!
Re: My Fastiversary!
15 Apr 2014, 09:21
Happy Fastiversary @Chickvic - that is an amazing achievement to be very proud of, congratulations :rose: - it's great to see yet another HAPPY achiever who has found this WOL :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
Re: My Fastiversary!
15 Apr 2014, 09:27
Happy Fastiversary @Chickvic :heart: - the amount you have lost is fantastic, what an achievement! :victory: :victory: :victory:
Re: My Fastiversary!
15 Apr 2014, 10:00
Fantastic Chickvic, that's an amazing loss and you must feel great.

:clover: :like: :victory:
Re: My Fastiversary!
15 Apr 2014, 11:22
Many congratulations :) what a difference a year can make! You must be very proud of yourself.
:like: :clover: :heart:
Re: My Fastiversary!
15 Apr 2014, 12:32
Happy Fastiversary @Chickvic WOW 55*25kgs!!!!!! Amazing
You've had a brilliant year Vicky and achieved so much all due to your own hard work,
well done bet you look + feel fantastic
Be very proud of yourself. :clover: :clover: :clover:
Re: My Fastiversary!
15 Apr 2014, 13:06
That's an amazing amount to lose!

It's my fastiversary today as well. I have only lost about 25 pounds, but it's OK - I'll take it. I'd like to lose a bit more and am pretty confident that I will.
Re: My Fastiversary!
15 Apr 2014, 13:09
Stunning achievement - really well done :like: :smile:
Re: My Fastiversary!
15 Apr 2014, 13:15
Congratulations @chickvic. I love looking at your progress tracker. When do you expect we will see you in the maintenance threads? Our updates tend not to be as exciting but we are still a supportive bunch.
Re: My Fastiversary!
15 Apr 2014, 13:19
Congratulations @Chickvic!! You have quite an accomplishment to be proud of--admire you so much :clap: :clap: :clap:
Re: My Fastiversary!
15 Apr 2014, 13:24
Happy fastiversary @chickvic. Wow what a difference a year makes. Your weight loss is amazing, you must feel like the cat that got the cream (just none on fastdays hehe). Well done hun :)

Also Happy fastiversary @Bethjerome. 25lbs is 25lbs be proud, it's a fair amount. Well done :)
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