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Well it might not be your *weight* that is the problem. I think that Sallyo is correct, and it may be that exercise is what you need to shift the belly fat. My mom has the same problem. Her weight is perfect, but she has a very thick midsection and no waist to speak of. It doesn't help that she drinks several glasses of wine every night, to be honest. But the biggest key for her is not calorie restriction, it's exercise. There are exercises that can specifically target your waist and abdomen.
@pben you mention arthritis...are you by chance taking steroid tablets (e.g. prednisone)?
Yes, Carorees, I did a prednisone course (30 days) once in august, and again 20 days in november.
Unfortunately, steroids really mess with your metabolism. They worsen insulin resistance and favour fat deposition in the abdomen. The best way to counteract this is through lowering carbohydrate intake and increasing exercise. Fasting also helps.

Can you tell us how you arrange your fast days and feast days (types of food, number of meals, how long you go without calories)? Then we can see if there's any tweaks to your fasts or non-fast days that may help a bit.

Are you able to do any kinds of exercise? If you can, the high intensity interval training (HIIT) has been shown to improve insulin resistance.
I don't have any advice at all, but I just wanted to say how great it is that you all are trying so hard to help her specifically, not just throwing out general advice!! Such a great forum!
My weight loss really flattened out as I approached my goal. It was really frustrating. Right now rather than fretting too much about the weight, I'm trying to exchange some fat for some muscle by adding weight training to my workout regime. Muscle is very metabolically active compared to fat.

The HIIT protocol a few people here (Juliana.Rivers, jools7?) follow is meant to reduce abdominal fat. There's a thread on HIIT in the exercise part of the forum. The author of the studies and book is Boutcher, I think.
Hi Carorees-

My fast days I have down to a routine:
Lunch: 250 ml vegetable broth with with sometime limejuice (about 30 kcal)
Dinner: Green Salad wth herb dressing, at 150 Kcal worth, suplemented by 100 kcal worth of cottage cheese lean meat or chickpeas (or an egg).
No problems there, I ever get tired of the salad-dinner, I could eat it everyday! Often later in the evening I munch a small cucumber, or slice of Cabbage.

The feed days however I dont do anything special, I have tried to skip breakfast as often as I can, and that is at most 2-3 times a week. Otherwise it is breakfast, lunch and Dinner with the Family, and a late night snack. I havent changed my eating pattern on those days. There is quite some carbs, now that you have mentioned it. Maybe thats the culprit. Most of the carbs are in form of organic whole-wheat bread (also Danish rye bread) which will be hard to give up.

I cannot do much excercise due to the Arthritis, but I have made an appointment with a physiotherapist (after reading all the posts on this string) to give me advise on what kind of excercise I would be able to follow. Maybe he has input to alterntive HIIT adapted for people with painful arthritis. Ill know after I have been there.
@pben your description of skinny legs / arms but apple tum rang bells from a wee bit clinical medicine I did years ago: it sound's remarkably like Cushing's syndrome (most often caused by steroid drugs) - nowt to worry about but it might be worth prodding your doctor...

As for getting your waist back down again, we had this discussion on another thread and as a result the low-carbers tent was set up chat-f12/2014-low-carbers-tent-t10527.html

Come join us there - lots of ideas from omnivores as well as veggies - it's gone a bit quiet just now, but stirs up very easily!

All the very best, FatDog.
Yes, I agree @FatDog, that's why I asked about steroids. I should have said it would be worth having a word with the doctor.

@pben I think reducing carbs is a good idea, but you can still have some...see if you can reduce by about 50g per day. Do visit the thread FatDog mentioned for inspiration and encouragement.

Also, can you bear to give up the late night snack and stop eating around 4 hours before sleep? There is evidence that late night snacking increases the risk of heart disease and insulin resistance. It's because our bodies are programmed to eat in daylight hours not at night (though it seems the hunger monster doesn't seem to have read the manual on that!).

Good luck with the physio appointment!
Thanks, Carorees and Fatdog!

Yes, i did suspect the late night snacks. I will check up on the thread. I can see that the low-carb seems to be the way to to go! Sigh! Oh well, let me read up on it, and thanks so much for everybodies posts, Thanks!
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